It Ends Now (Part 2)

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WARNING: Suicide

You'll Help/Join Me Right? Part 2
A month later
Some people on Tommy's side: Dream (ofc bc it's his server on the line), Tubbo, and Sapnap
Some people on Wilbur's side: Schlatt (revived) and Sam

    Tommy stood on the battlegrounds, Wilbur above
him in the distance on the hill. Standing next to him were Sam and a revived Schlatt. Tubbo and Dream walked up next to Tommy. "You said you had a plan, so what is it and when?" Tommy asked Dream nervously.
"You'll know when you see it," Dream said. You could hear the smirk in his voice. Tommy as much as he didn't like Dream, knew Dream wouldn't betray him on this, since it's his server after all. Tubbo walked up next to Tommy and smiled at him trying to reassure him.
"Alright guys let's do this," Tommy said confidently. His side raising their weapons and cheering.

    Wilbur stood on the hill smiling down at his little brother's group. "They're going down for good," Wilbur said.
"And they don't have Technoblade so we don't have to worry about that," Sam said. Both sides have not seen or heard from Technoblade. After the talk with Wilbur and Tommy Technoblade was only seen once giving some supplies to Tommy and then he was never seen again.
"This server is going to be gone by the end of this," Wilbur chuckled, and the rest of his army chuckled as well.

    Everyone started fighting. Wilbur was trying to get to Tommy and Tommy tried to get to Wilbur. But Tubbo was trying to hold Wilbur back and Sam was fighting Tommy. Dream and Sapnap were together blowing up any enemy builds and the enemy in general.

     "Enough Tubbo!" Wilbur yelled, "I'm done with your games." Wilbur ducked and quickly hit Tubbo with the back of his sword. Wilbur seeing one of his people coming to take care of Tubbo, he walked off and went looking for Tommy.

    Tommy kept dodging Sam's swings. Tommy to say the least was scared. He didn't want to die. He was on his last canon life. "Sam, I got him from here," Wilbur stepped next to Sam. Sam stopped swinging and nodded.
"Hello Tommy," Wilbur said.
"We can stop this right now Wilbur," Tommy said. Wilbur only shook his head. Wilbur put his hand in his coat pocket before pulling out a controller.
"I wanted to see you before everything ended," Wilbur said softly. He sounded almost sorry but it was just a lie.
"What is that?" Tommy quivered.
"This, this will destroy everything," Wilbur said. He laughed. It was so villainous. So cruel.
"Seems like there's a flaw in your plan Wilbur," Dream said, pearling in from behind him, his mask pushed up enough that you can see a smirk.
"And why's that?"
"Because you don't have the controller," a deep voice said. Everyone turned to their left to see Technoblade with a controller in his hand.
"How did you,"
"Because I know the way you think Wilbur," Techno interrupted. Wilbur shook his head. "You thought I would let you do this Wilbur, I stayed undercover and only met with Dream so no one else found out about our plan."
"No! This isn't how it was supposed to go!" Wilbur yelled, "I-it's all supposed to be gone, it has to be!"
"Wilbur just stop this now, we can go back to the good old days," Tommy said. Tears now slipped out of Wilbur's eyes. He pulled out his sword, his hands shaking.
"No, I can't go back to the good old day, I can't," Wilbur shook his head. Tears slipped down his face. He positioned his sword.
"Wilbur let go of the sword," Tommy pleaded. Wilbur didn't listen. He stabbed himself in the stomach. The smile on his face never leaving.

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