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        Tommy stood against the entrance of the arena as he watched Technoblade train. The pinknette's movements were swift. His sword never missed the dummy. Tommy was inspired by him. Technoblade was already praised as a good fighter in their village. Everyone had the fate that Technoblade would become one of the best or even THE best fighter known to man. Tommy smiled as he ran out of the arena. He went over to where a brunette was sitting on a stack of crates with a guitar in hand. Wilbur was the best musician in town and Tommy loved his songs. They were always so catchy that Tommy would get the songs stuck in his head all day. "Tommy, grab that crate of food please," Philza said interrupting Tommy's trance.
"Alright," Tommy said. He followed his father to their house, following slowly behind. His arms were getting tired as the hard ridged wood poked Tommy's side.
"You alright Toms?" Phil asked.
"Yeah my hands are just cramping," Tommy said.
"You want me to carry the crate?"
"No! I got it, I'm a big man," Tommy said fixing up his poster and marching the rest of the way to the house. Phil laughed as he followed behind his son this time.

    "We're home!" Wilbur yelled. Technoblade and Wilbur walked into the living room where Phil and Tommy were resting.
"Hey boys welcome back, how was your day?" Phil asked.
"It was good!" Wilbur said and Techno nodded in agreement, "oh! Techno isn't there something you would like to share with the rest of the family?" Technoblade looked at Wilbur and then at Tommy sadly. Tommy had never seen that expression on his brother's face. Usually, his brother stays neutral as he didn't want anyone to read his emotions, especially his opponents.
"Uh I was going to wait but I guess thanks to Wilbur it gonna be now. Well um, I got offered to fight with a big-time promoter," Technoblade said quietly.
"That's so cool!!" Tommy said.
"Yeah it's just I'll be traveling, like a lot if I accept," Technoblade said.
"I think you should do it if it's something your passionate about, and you can still visit right?" Phil said Technoblade nodded.
"So?" Tommy asked impatiently.
"I'm going to accept," the three guys cheered for the pinknette and hugged him with complaints. Technoblade was happy his family was so supportive of his decision.

   After Technoblade has been traveling with visits here and there it was Wilbur's turn. "Guys guess what!" Wilbur ran into the house. Phil and Tommy looked over at Wilbur.
"What?" Phil asked.
"I got asked to go on tour!" Wilbur shouted in excitement. "It will be for a year."
"That's amazing Will!" Phil said excitedly. Tommy hugged his brother with a proud grin.
"I will leave in 2 weeks so let's spend some quality time before I go," Wilbur said with a smile.

   And with that, it was only Tommy and Phil well until Wilbur comes home. And when Wilbur did he had told Phil that he was moving and wanted Tommy to come with as he said there were lots of opportunities out there. Phil agreed that Tommy could live with Wilbur and Tommy gladly accepted. When they got there they were met with the nicest people ever and started a new way of living.

    After Tommy soon left and everyone in the family had made their own life and they were happy. They still met up for special occasions like birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other holidays. They made sure to catch up on anything that has happened. It was a great life. They were a perfect family.

   Tommy sat on his knees looking up. He remembered telling people about his family. That is exactly how he told people what happened. They had all left the small cottage they grew up in to go do big things even Phil left. But they all still talked and met up. They were all still one big happy family. But the truth is, it wasn't true. They never saw each other once and some didn't leave on good terms.

    The day after Wilbur and Technoblade came home from the village Techno seemed anxious and scared. Wilbur was trying to get him to breathe but Techno would only shake, not responding to him. The voices were getting bad for Technoblade. Phil quickly rushed over to the pinknette. "Technoblade breathes, your okay," Phil said softly but sternly. "Techno it's alright." Phil led Technoblade upstairs. Tommy looked at Wilbur worried.
"Will he be okay?" Tommy asked.
"Yes he will, Technoblade is strong," Wilbur said reassuringly. He hugged Tommy tightly and Tommy smiled.

That night Technoblade left the house. He had gotten into a shouting argument with Tommy and Will while Phil tried to stop them. Technoblade pulled out his pocket knife in rage and hurt and while trying to block the boys Philza got cut on his hand. You could see the fear in Wilbur's and Tommy's eyes. He didn't want that to happen again. So he left to keep them safe.

Tommy and Wilbur woke up in Wilbur's room. They must have passed out after the stressful night. "Can we go and wake Technoblade up," Tommy asked once he rubbed some sleep out of his eyes. He felt bad for yelling at Techno over something stupid that his little kid self thought was important.
"You can, I need a few," Wilbur said closing his eyes again. Tommy stared at Wilbur before running off to Techno's room. Tommy swung the door open getting ready to yell to wake Techno up when he realized no one was in the room. He looked around and walked into the bathroom, he ran downstairs but didn't find him. Tommy quickly ran back to Wilbur's room terrified.
"Will, Techno's not here," Tommy freaked out.
"What do you mean Tommy?" Wilbur said sleepily.
"He's not here I looked everywhere."
"He probably went to town," Wilbur said.
"He didn't leave a note." Wilbur quickly shot out of his bed to go tell Phil.

   After looking for so long they declared Technoblade had left. Tommy cried all night as Phil and Wilbur tried to comfort him while they held back their own tears.

A year later Tommy had left the house to find his own life and later invited Wilbur to come to join him in his new home. It was nice at first. The Dream SMP was a fun place until Wilbur and Tommy wanted their own country. It went downhill. When Wilbur and Tommy got their independence it was a good day but soon the election came around and they lost.

Wilbur after a while went all crazy and Technoblade joined after Tommy found him and begged him to come and help. Soon Wilbur revealed himself as the traitor and Technoblade in anger at the new government started to blow up L'manburg.

   "What are you doing," Phil said from behind Wilbur. Wilbur turned around and smiled.

   "Techno what are you doing!" Tommy yelled.
"I did not spend weeks planning this war just to replace one tyrant after another!" Technoblade yelled.

    Explosions are everywhere, all over L'manburg. Technoblade set off withers and Phil was hugging his dead son.

    Many events happened after that. Tommy had to admit he also betrayed Technoblade too. He shut out Phil. And Wilbur was no longer there only Ghostbur. Once L'manburg had finally gotten destroyed completely many people moved out. Technoblade moved away to another Smp and Phil lives on the outskirts as most of them did. Tommy though. He stayed. He decided to fix up the place and make a small village. Some new people joined and Tommy would tell stories. When people asked about his family he would always try to keep it happier than what it was.

   "I'm sorry," Tommy sobbed as he looked at the ripped-up portraits of his family. They weren't perfect but they were his family. He wanted to see them again but he couldn't see Wilbur as he was dead. Technoblade, he doesn't know where he went just that he left the SMP. No way to track him down. And Phil, he would have to search the whole place for his father.

   "I miss you guys." Tommy cried.

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