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    "Dad!" Tommy shouted through the house. Phil smiled, turning to Tommy.
"Yes, Tommy?" Phil bent down to Tommy's level.
"C-can you teach me how to fly!" Tommy said enthusiastically. The young boy's wings stretched out as they fluttered a bit in excitement. Tommy had been asking for so long, but Phil always told him his wings were too small and would only help him glide down slowly. But today it was different as Phil saw Tommy's wings have grown bigger and thicker.
"We can try flying today," Phil said.
"Really!?" Tommy jumped.
"Yes really," Phil smiled.
"Yes!" Tommy shouted running outside. Phil followed as Tommy started up the mountain. Phil flew up beating the young boy by 25 minutes. Tommy huffed as he made it to the top.
"You okay?" Phil asked. Tommy nodded. "Good, now what I'm going to do is hold you and then you start flapping your wings."
"Are you going to let go?" Tommy asked.
"Let's not get too far, we need to see how strong your wings are and how long you can flap them for," Phil explained.

    After a few minutes of preparing they were in the sky. Tommy struggled as he tried to stay at the pace of Phil's wings. "Relax Tommy, you'll get the hang of it," Phil said softly. Tommy let his wings slow down at a comfortable pace. He closed his eyes letting out a breath. He felt the breeze hit his face and he giggled.
"There you go Tommy," Phil said softly. Tommy smiled proudly at himself. He felt his wings go faster in excitement.

    "Tommy careful!" Phil shouted at the soaring, giggling boy. Phil after many practices let Tommy fly by himself and Phil was worried about how fast the boy was going.
"I'm fine Dad!" Tommy yelled back as he flew past Phil once more. Phil still shouted at Tommy to slow down but behind the fear, he was proud that his son can fly all by himself. He taught him how to fly. He could only imagine everything Tommy could do now.
"Alright that's enough flying for tonight, it's getting late," Phil yelled up.
"Okay." Tommy came in floating down slowly. Phil laughed and started to walk towards the house as Tommy just finished landing.

Tommy saw his house, he saw his friend's house, he saw all of L'manburg. He smiled at the beautiful sight. It was amazing at night with all the beautiful lighting. Tommy was proud of what the country has become. He came closer to the center of L'manburg, everyone was dancing and having a good time. It was a festival tonight and everyone came. Heck! Even Dream came for a bit. Yeah, he stared at everyone while standing in a corner but still. Tommy closed his eyes and smiled. The wind hit his face as he came closer to the ground quicker. He could hear people calling his name. His smile grew bigger. He landed on the ground. No one said anything to him just stared. Tommy looked at them. "Tommy!" He heard an old British voice. It was Phil. His dad. Phil came running towards Tommy. Phil pulled Tommy into a hug and Tommy winced. "What happened?" Tommy shook his head.
"I-I needed to see everyone," Tommy smiled.
"Tommy your wings," Tubbo said shaking.
"It's okay." Tommy coughed, wincing at the pain. He leaned more into Phil. Phil slowly propped Tommy's head on his lap. Tommy's labor breathing went slow. Too slow.
"Tommy, stay with me," Phil said softly.
"Thank you," Tommy said. He went still.

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