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Philza- 38
Wilbur- 18
Techno- 18
Tommy- 15
Techno and Wilbur are twins in this but Techno graduated a year early (in online college) because he a smart boi.

Wilbur POV:
I strum my guitar trying to find the right notes. I secretly write songs. I didn't want to get made fun of by my family if they found out. I write down the last of the music notes and smiled at my work. "Wilbur, We're going to be late!" I heard Tommy yell from the other end of the hall.
"I'm coming!" I shout back. I grab my bag and stuff my notebooks in there. I run to the door where Techno was waiting.
"Phil isn't taking us?" I asked. Techno shook his head.
"He asked me to since I don't have classes today," Techno responded.
"Can you clean my room up then," I asked. Techno glared at me.
"Come on, I'm your twin," I said, ". . .fine 30 bucks." I pulled money out of my wallet.
"Great doing business with you," he said taking the money.

Techno POV:
I walk back into the house already tired because of Tommy. "Hey, I made breakfast for you," Phil said, placing the plate on the table.
"Thanks," I said grabbing it. I sit down by the fireplace in the living room and ate my breakfast.
"So whatcha gonna do today?" Phil asked.
"I'm cleaning Wilbur's room after this and then I'm going to read and maybe fence a bit," I said.
"That's nice of you to clean Will's room," Phil said.
"What can I say, I'm a great brother," Technoblade said.
    I walk up the stairs to Wilbur's room, bracing myself to see a horrible mess. Honestly I was probably gonna clean it at some point so might as well get some money out of it. And it was pretty messy, clothes everywhere, his paper sheets scarred. I sighed and looked down to see a book. I bent down and examined the black leather that had a music note in graves on it. I then set it down on Wilbur's desk and started picking the clothes off the floor.

Wilbur POV:
   I run into the house and up to my room. I look around at the cleanroom and see my songbook on my desk. Crap! How did I miss my bag? I'm such an idiot. Techno probably read it! Oh god! I run to Techno's room to see him reading. "Hey Tech," I said.
"Hey." Techno said unbothered as he turned a page.
"I wanted to thank you for cleaning my room," I said. Techno looked up at me and close his book. He smirked at me.
"Why are you really here?" He asked.
"Uhm, just forget what you saw in my room," I said. Techno raises a brow setting his book down on his bed.
"What?" He asked.
"You know what I'm talking about, don't make me say it," I whispered yelled.
"I have no idea."
"The songbook?" I said. Techno stared at me confused and then realized.
"That's what the book was that I put on your desk?" Techno said more to himself than me.
"D-didn't you read through it?" I asked.
"No, I picked it up and put it on the desk," Techno said with a chuckle, "I'm not a Tommy who is always noisy." Great. I told my brother and he didn't even know. I felt myself sink to the ground.
"Why do you care if I read it or not?" Techno asked.
"I-I thought you would make fun of me," I said quietly. He looked at me intensely before laughing. "Yeah, like that," I responded to his laugh.
"No, I'm laughing at your stupidity," Techno said shaking his head, "you think I care, Wilbur, I think it's cool that you want to be a musician."
"Really? What about Phil and Tommy?"
"One Phil will support you, you know that and two Tommy's option doesn't really matter, but I'm sure he'll think it's cool, maybe it will make you cooler."
"Yeah your right," I said,  "I'm just paranoid."
Technoblade laughed, ruffling my hair.
"Watch the hair, this is gonna be my moneymaker one day," Wilbur said, swatting Techno's hand away with a laugh.

3 years later:
3rd POV:
   "He's in your bed I'm in your Twitch chat."
"Ba ba ba ba." Techno and Tommy were singing Wilbur's new song while Phil smiled and laughed at his two sons singing over Wilbur's video. The three of them were proud of Wilbur and his new song. They were proud to have him as their musician.

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