My Kids

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Phil was sitting in his chair in his house on a cold autumn day. He sat by the fireplace with a book in his hand. He was having a peaceful day actually. It was rather calm and relaxing for once in his immortal life. Phil was on to the climax of the book when the doorbell rang. Phil sighed. Of course, all peace and quiet come to an end. He placed his book down and walked to the door. He looked through the peek hole to see a man in a suit. Phil opened the door and the man looked at Phil. "Are you Philza Minecraft?" The man said.
"Uh yeah," Phil said. Phil glanced at his back door knowing if something happened he can make a run for it.
"Well we wanted to inform you that you have a kid that needs carrying as his mother had sadly passed away," The man said softly. The man bent down to pick up a baby from a carrier. The baby must have been around 4 to 5 months. Phil looked at the baby feeling a connection to him already.
"Would you be willing to look after your son?" The man asked. Phil nodded as a smile appeared. The man smiled as well.
"Great we have some papers then, may I come in?" the man said. Phil let the man in and they sat in the dining room.
"Does the kid have a name?" Phil asked.
"No," the man said, "he wasn't given a name, would you name him." Phil nodded. He grabbed the baby from the man and stared at him, with the biggest smile.
"William," Phil said quietly. The man nodded writing it on a paper.
"William Soot," the man asked. Phil nodded.
"Welcome William Soot Minecraft," Phil said out loud to Will. Will giggled as he slowly touched Phil's face.

Phil finally got to have a break. He walked into the forest to calm himself. He always walked in the forest when it was nice outside. It let him be free to just clear his mind. Phil sat down leaning against a tree. He pulled an apple out of his bag and rubbed it with his jacket. He went to take a bite when Phil stopped. He heard a thump. It didn't sound like a small animal at all. Phil stood up abruptly. "Is there someone there?" He asked. He walked up, slowly to the bush. He leaned over the bush to the other side to see a boy. Specifically, a piglin that looked around 7. He lay on the ground with his light pink hair all over the place. He looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Phil tapped the boy on the shoulder which cause the boy to sit up abruptly. He looked around a bit freaked out.
"Hey it's okay," Phil said calmly. The young piglin boy stared at Phil, not in fear but caution his red eyes threatening Phil to not come any closer. "I'm Phil." The piglin just stared at him. "You must be hungry," Phil said pulling his apple out. The piglin stared at the apple hesitant to grab it but finally did. He gave Phil skeptical eyes before he took a bite. With that bite, the boy's eyes lit up as he started to chop down the apple. Phil smiled at this. The piglin took one last bite and wiped his mouth with his arm.
"What's your name?" Phil asked.
"Technoblade," the piglin responded in a whisper yet still confident.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Technoblade."

     Phil and his son Wilbur were in the kitchen making dinner while Techno was out. "Dad!" Phil heard Techno yell. Phil stopped chopping some peppers and ran outside. He was worried that Techno was hurt by the altered voice. But he stopped when he saw Techno carrying a boy around the age of 9. They were both dripping wet in the cold winter air. "Who is that?" Phil asked.
"I don't know I found him drowning so I saved him and thought we could help him," Techno said. Phil nodded and rushed Techno and the young boy inside.
"Lay him on the couch, Wilbur can you start a fire for me please," Phil instructed. Both boys nodded. Techno laid the young boy on the couch gently and tossed a blanket around him. Wilbur started throwing logs in the pit. Phil came back with more blankets to put over the kid.
"Will he be an alright dad?" Wilbur asked. Phil nodded.
"Yes, he will be okay."
Phil sat in a single chair tending the fire as the young boy stirs awake. He turns to look at the boy as he opens his eyes. "W-where am I?" The boy asked with a shaky voice. He was terrified and Phil could tell.
"Hey it's okay, one of my sons saved you from drowning and brought you here to get warm and safe," Phil said keeping a calm voice. "I'm Phil."
"Tommy," the boy said quietly.
"Nice to meet you, Tommy, how would you like to stay with me and my sons for a bit," Phil said.
"I would like that."

Phil's eyes shot open he looked at his sons. Tommy fighting Dream for his disc with Wilbur observing in the distance setting off explosive and Techno by Tommy's side fighting off anyone else that comes near them. Phil smiled those were his kids. He raised them and he was proud to call them his sons. "Phil, are you going to help or just stare at us?" Techno said shoving Quakity away from him.
"Yeah, I'm coming," Phil chuckled, charging into battle to help his sons.

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