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I just see Techno as a father figure to Ranboo so yeah!
Ranboo- 6
Technoblade- 20

The rain poured hard. The Piglin's boots were all muddy. The only thing that kept him warm was his cape which he had enchanted to be waterproof. He was far away from any shelter and a nether portal so he couldn't go anywhere to get warm. The Piglin just kept walking looking around until he stops abruptly. A bush shook but not how the others had from the wind. The pigman pulled his sword out and walked over to the shaking bush. He towers over to see a young half-enderling shanking. His body hissed as the rain hits him. "Are you alright?" The pigman asks the young enderman. The younger looks up at the older, his eyes terrified.
"I'm Technoblade," the pigman, Technoblade said awkwardly. The voices in his head kept telling him to stay and help the kid.
"R-ranboo," the enderman said in a whisper.
"Do you need a place to stay Ranboo?" Technoblade asked. Then enderman boy looked around before nodding. "Would you like to stay with me until you are healed up?" The piglin asked. Ranboo nods. Technoblade helps the boy to his feet. He was taller than expected. Once Ranboo stood fully up they started walking. But Techno stopped as he heard Ranboo's arm hiss. He mentally slapped him self forgetting the enderman boy was burning from the rain. Technoblade took his cape off and wrapped it around Ranboo. The rain started getting Techno's pink hair drenched, hair stuck to his skin. Technoblade's white shirt starting to become see-through.
"Thank you," Ranboo said quietly, pulling the red cape over his head more.

After traveling for hours they finally reach Technoblade's house. Technoblade open the door and Ranboo hesitantly walked through the door. "Are you hungry?" Techno asked. Ranboo nodded while looking around the house.
"Let's get you cleaned up first," Technoblade said, setting a bowl of soup on the table. He cleaned up some of the cuts and put healing potions on the hole in his skin. Ranboo whimpered at the pain. Techno said a silent apology, wrapping a bandage on his arm.

A few months pass and Ranboo had been staying with Technoblade. Techno was cleaning up Ranboo's wounds. It was silent besides the fire crackle and the wind howling outside. Techno was lost in his thoughts. "I've been thinking," Technoblade trailed off, "do you maybe, since you don't have anywhere to go, do you want to stay here with me like officially?" Ranboo looked at Technoblade. His eyes went big and his ears went back.
"You mean it?" Ranboo questioned with puppy eyes.
"Yeah, I mean it." Techno smiled.

10 years later:
     Technoblade stood in the destruction of L'manburg. Wind blowing. His hair and cape blowing with it. His sword in his hand. Staring at the sky. "Are you okay?" Philza said, resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, it's just been a while and in this situation, it's not the best," Techno responds.
"I know but it's gonna be good to see him," Phil said reassuringly. Technoblade nodded. He slowly started walking down the hill passing people. He stopped. Stopped in front of the person he's been wanting to see for years. Stopped in front of the person he has cared for, for so long. Stopped in front of the person he was nervous to see again. Technoblade tapped the tall enderman's shoulders. The teen turned around with a smile. His smile dropped when he saw Technoblade. Techno's heart dropped. He put his sword in its sheath.
"Hey Ranboo, I know I just blew up the country but Uhm. . . I'm sorry," Techno said awkwardly. Ranboo teared up. He hugged his father.
"It's okay, I'm glad you're here," Ranboo said.
"Me too."

1 year later:
Ranboo sat in his house looking out the window with sadness. He wanted to visit his dad but it was raining and he promised not to ender travel. He looked to see Steve under the deck sleeping and two dogs playing in the rain. Ranboo wishes he could just walk out just as the dogs can.

"Steve gets inside you too Zeus and Hades," Techno said. Zeus and Hades ran inside and Technoblade walked down the steps. He went under his deck to see Steve sleeping. Techno poked the polar bear in the head waking him up.
"I don't want a complaining wet polar bear later so get inside," Techno said sternly. Steve made a noise like he was complaining before walking into the house. Technoblade laughed. He turned to Ranboo's house he saw the enderman teen looking out the window. Technoblade smiled walking back into his house.

Ranboo watched as Technoblade walked back inside. Ranboo let out a whimper as he moves away from the window. He rested by the fireplace that had no fire going as he couldn't remember how to make one. He wished his father would come over but he knew he was busy and had other stuff to do than watch him. He retired from that when Ranboo became a teen and Ranboo moved out to go be his own man. Ranboo slowly grabbed his blanket, lazily wrapping it around him.

"Ranboo I have some food for you," Technoblade said walking into the house. He was soaked from the pouring rain. Techno took his shoes off and place the plate he had on a table so he could squeeze the water out of his shirt. He notices Ranboo sleeping on the couch with a small shiver. Techno sighed. He walked over to the teen covering the blanket more over him. He then place logs in the fireplace and pulled his lighter out to light them. Once the fire started up Technoblade went to the plate of food and set it in the microwave for later when Ranboo woke up.

Ranboo woke up to a loud sound of thunder and a flash of lightning. Ranboo looked around scared. He looked around and notice his place was cleaned up and a fire was going. Thunder boomed making Ranboo jump again. "Hey your awake, I made you some food and decided to bring it over," Technoblade said softly. Ranboo face soften as he saw his father. Techno came closer and sat down on the small part of the couch that is left. Ranboo moved position as he place his head over on Technoblade's lap. Techno brushed through Ranboo's hair as the two just sat in a comfortable silence. The rain was relaxing Technoblade as he remembers when he found Ranboo so long ago.

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