I'm sorry Wilbur. . .

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      Phil hugged his son as he slowly goes limp. Phil wanted to scream but he stayed silent, tears slipped down his cheeks. He felt his son's cold body. He let a sob out. "Will," Phil whispered. In the distance, the TNT was still going off. He could hear in the distance yelling too but he just focused on his dead son. "Will, I'm sorry I'm so, so sorry."
"I'm a Person Tommy Disc aren't people!!" Phil heard Technoblade yell in pain. Phil slowly let go of Wilbur and looked over and Tommy yelling at Technoblade. Phil needed to help Techno. Phil looked back down at Wilbur and planted a kiss on his forehead. Phil spread his wings out and flew to where Techno was. "Technoblade!" Phil yelled. Techno looked up as Phil held his hand out. Technoblade started running and then jumped grabbing onto Phil's hand.

    Phil sat on the couch tending the fire. It was a quiet night. Phil was alone with his thoughts. He had Wilbur's insane smile in his head and he couldn't get it out. He could tell behind his eyes though was a scared man. Phil threw the stick he was using to move the logs in frustration. He was wondering why he killed Wilbur. There were so many options than killing. Why did he listen to Wilbur? Maybe it was because a small part knew Wilbur needed to die. But it didn't help the guilt. He knew that Tommy hates him now, how could he not? Phil stared at the fire burning when a light knock came through. Phil slowly stood up. Could it be Tommy? No, he wouldn't be here. Maybe Technoblade? But then again he went into retirement and need a few days alone to get settled, which was also an excuse to cope. His mind went through all the other people who stop by but he couldn't think of one. Phil walked to the door and hesitated before he opened it. He looked at the person and froze. No. It couldn't be. He must be imagining it. There was no way it was happening. He was dead. He saw his body go limp. The sword pierce through him. Why did he look okay? He didn't have a wound and he had new clothes on, a yellow sweatshirt and blue jeans. "Wilbur?" Phil asked. Wilbur smiled at him, giving a wave. Phil finally notices the gray and almost translucent skin.
"I-I thought you were." "Dead?" Wilbur questioned. Phil shook his head.
"I am but I'm here as a ghost," Wilbur said, "I guess you can call me Ghostbur." Wilbur, now Ghostbur giggled. Phil let a tear slip as he smiled.
"Are you okay Phil?" Ghostbur asked with his head tilted.
"Yeah, I'm just sorry," Phil spoke, "I'm sorry Wilbur." Ghostbur only smiled at him telling him it was okay.

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