The Music Box

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Based on Wilbur's video at the beginning "Terraforming the moon in Minecraft" and some of Tommy's videos as well.

     "Technoblade!" Tommy yelled at his older brother. Technoblade turned around with a sigh.
"Yes, Tommy?" He asked.
"Look what I got," Tommy pulled out a disc, "isn't pog!"
"It's just a disc Tommy," Techno said.
"It's not just a disc Techno, it's your disc, our disc," Tommy gasped in excitement. Techno just looked at him.
"I'll play it." Tommy place the disc in the music box and Techno gasped as the music started.
"No, it can't be," he said surprised.
"But it is big man," Tommy said with a proud nod and smile.
"But they are so hard to find."
"And yet I found one." Tommy smiled brightly.

Tommy place a disc in and Techno smiled slightly. "What is this?" Niki asked confused.
"You'll see," Tommy said, motioning Techno to start.
"I'm not feeling it today Tommy," Techno said.
"Awe come on please Technoblade," Tommy begged. Techno looked at Tommy and shakes his head no. Tommy sighs. He pulled on Technoblade's cape giving him his raccoon eyes. Technoblade sighed as he clears his throat.
"Ba, ba, ba," Techno started.
"Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, his name is Technoblade," Tommy started the song/rap. Niki laughed at the cuteness.
"Baah, baah, baah, ba, ba," Techno continued. The two brothers continued the rap with tons of people forming around them laughing at how funny Tommy's little rap is.

"Guys look I found a music box," Tommy said placing it on the floor. Phil laughed and Wilbur watched in the distance. Technoblade knew what was coming getting ready.
"Where did you find a music box out here on the moon?" Wilbur asked. Tommy ignored the question and put the disc in and Technoblade started. "Ba, ba, ba ba."
Phil laughed and so did Wilbur.
"Mmm, mhm, Philza, his name is Philza and he is quite old," Tommy starts rapping. Everyone laughed while Tommy continued.
     "In his gown, he doesn't own knives," Tommy finished.
"Oooooh!" Wilbur laughed.
"Bah, baaaah, ba, ba," Technoblade continued.
"Alright Wilbur your turn," Tommy said.
"Alright, here we go!" Wilbur said hyping everyone up, "I don't do that." Wilbur took the disc out staring at Tommy. Technoblade, Phil, and Tommy stared at Wilbur in silence. Techno then clicked a button and Wilbur teleported out. Wilbur's screen glowed showing he got banned. Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur laughed.
"Alright let's do this without him," Techno said.
"Yeah, we don't need him," Tommy agreed.

    Tommy sat on a bench and looked at the disc in his hand. It read, Technoblade's disc (Pigstep). Tommy gave a sad smile of all the memories they had with this disc. He missed it, he missed his brother. He wouldn't admit it but he would trade Mellohin or Cat just to keep this disc. He looked over at the music box next to him and gave a small chuckle. "Alright," he whispered. He slowly place the disc in and it started playing. Tommy started nodding his head back in forth as a smile appeared on his face. He started getting into the music until the music stopped. Tommy looked to his left where the music box was scared but softened up when he saw Technoblade standing next to the music box with the disc in his hand.
"Playing it without me?" Techno question. His eyebrow raise and he was tapping his foot.
"No, I knew you would come, I just started it early," Tommy smiled brightly.
"Sure you did," Technoblade smiled back. He place the disc back in and it started playing. Techno ruffled Tommy's hair as he shoved him over so he could sit. Then little ba's came from Techno. Tommy started quietly rapping words. The two boys smiled feeling the comfort of their disc.

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