Are You Proud of Me Techno?

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(WARNING: panic attack, smoking, blood, and death)

     "Yes! Yes!" Wilbur cheered. "Let's go!" Wilbur couldn't stop smiling. His teammates were cheering as well. Wilbur had just won, his very first MCC win. He couldn't believe it. He saw his brother in the distance over by the portal entrance. Wilbur ran over to him with a bright smile. "Did you see it Technoblade," Wilbur said, "are you proud of me Techno?"
"I am proud of you Wilbur," Technoblade said, placing a hand on Wilbur's head. Techno took Wilbur's crown that he was holding and placed it on Wilbur's head. Wilbur smiled brightly.
"Your lucky I wasn't playing this MCC," Techno joked, shoving Wilbur's shoulder playfully.
"Why? If you were we would've won together," Wilbur said. Technoblade chuckled, ruffling Wilbur's hair. "Let's go home and celebrate!" He said.

Wilbur sat on a bar stool, a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He let out a puff of smoke very slowly. It was a late Monday night. Wilbur was there to take the stress off of previous events with Schlatt and L'Manburg or now Manburg. "Isn't it a little late for you?" A deep monotone voice said. Wilbur looked to his side to see his brother resting against the entrance of the bar door, he was all bloody up.
"Let me guess, not your blood?" Technoblade came over next to Wilbur and grab a water from behind the counter.
"How'd you know," Technoblade gave a side smile.
"Lucky guess." Technoblade took a sip of his water.
"So, what about you, why are you here," Techno asked.
"Got nothing else to do," Wilbur said taking another puff. Technoblade grabbed the cigarette from Wilbur's mouth and put it out.
"Stop moping and do something then," Technoblade said.
"I'm exiled from my own country," Wilbur scoffed, taking a sip of his beer since his cigarette got taken.
"Then take it back," Techno said in a bored like manner. "Or." He smirked and Wilbur looked at him confused.
"Or what?"
"Or destroy it."
"I can't do that, my friends live there," Wilbur said.
"Well if you change your mind, let me know," Technoblade said. He stood up straight and wiped some blood off his hands with a towel. He grabbed his axe and walked out of the bar without another word. Wilbur looked at the bloody glass of crimson water. He slowly picked it up looking at the bloody water. He imagined all the dead people if he destroyed Manburg. He imagined how if it was gone no one could have his country again. Wilbur dropped the glass and chuckled. The chuckle turned into a cackle. Glass cut into his skin causing him to bleed but he didn't focus on the pain. It was time to make a move against Schlatt. A move that would surprise everyone.

Wilbur stood in front of the exploded wall. People were yelling and fighting each other. Tommy and Technoblade fought back and forth. Wilbur smiled, laughing. He looked at his destroyed country and then something washed over him. He looked at Phil handing him the sword. He started begging him to kill him. Phil protested but Wilburs kept begging.

Technoblade sat down by the fireplace sipping on his tea. It was silent other than the fire crackling.
"Techno?" He heard Phil's voice. Technoblade didn't move, just stayed in the same position.
"Techno?" Phil repeated, stepping in front of Techno, blocking the fire from his view. Technoblade still did nothing but take a sip of his tea. "Are you not going to talk to me?" Phil said.
"I have nothing to say to you," Technoblade said.
"Technoblade I'm sorry,"
"Sorry? Really? You had a choice Phil," Technoblade said lowly, "why not kill me, I did the same thing."
"I can't kill you Techno," Phil said.
"Why? Do I have to beg you to do it like Will!?" Technoblade scoffed. He slammed the coffee mug on the side table causing it to shatter.
"Technoblade you don't understand," Phil said calmly.
"Yeah, I guess I don't," Technoblade said getting up from his chair. "And I guess I don't want to." Technoblade wrapped his cape around him and slammed the door loudly. Phil flinched at the loud bang and sighed.

   Technoblade was walking in the forest hacking at branches in his way out of frustration. "Hello?" A voice echoed. Technoblade stopped in his tracks looking to his right.
"Will?" Technoblade asked.
"Hi Technoblade how are you," Wilbur said cheerfully. He came towards Technoblade and Techno noticed that he was transparent and floating.
"I'm Ghostbur now," the ghost giggled. Techno didn't say anything, just stared at the ghost. Ghostbur looked at Technoblade with a questioning look.
"Did I do something wrong," Ghostbur said worriedly.
"No! No, you're good," Technoblade said shaking his head.
"Oh! Good! I'm glad that you are okay!" Ghostbur said brightly. Technoblade scoffed in his head. Sure, he was okay. Definitely not freaking out about seeing the ghost of his dead brother. Technoblade for once in his life felt like crying. But he didn't. He couldn't. He was proud of Wilbur and that is something that could never change.

Wilbur closed his eyes letting out a breath, he opened them and saw that he was in his secret room. The room that his dad killed him in. He heard voices past the nonexistent wall. Wilbur came faced with his little brother Tommy, who ran up to him. "Wilbur." Wilbur smiled.
"Oh it's been a while," Wilbur said. He hasn't seen L'manburg for 30 years in limbo time. Wilbur was asking Tommy questions. Tommy tried to give him some blue cotton which Wilbur just threw on the floor, spitting insults.
"I miss Ghostbur," Tommy mumbled as he followed Wilbur around L'manburg.
"Tommy, I'm revived and I'm feeling great!" Wilbur said with a big smile, his arms opened wide.
"You're a monster," Tommy said shaking his head and shoving his shoulder. "You didn't change, if anything you are worse."
"Relax Tommy, I promise I am better," Wilbur said.
"Do you even care to ask about L'manburg, about me!?" Tommy yelled.
"Why would I care about either Tommy?" Wilbur chuckled. Tommy rolled his eyes, pushing back tears as he shoves Wilbur's shoulders and walks away.

   Wilbur was in the forest as it was down pouring. He had nowhere to go. Tommy was mad at him everyone in L'manburg hates him and he and Phil weren't on speaking terms. Wilbur didn't have anyone, they all hated him. Wilbur fell to his knees getting his clothes all muddy. He let out a painful, sad cry. He started to sob the rain only poured harder. "Wilbur?" He heard a voice say. The same voice he heard back in the bar. The same voice that Wilbur heard the cheer for him in MCC. Wilbur looked up to see his older brother Technoblade. He stood above him, soaked as well, his pink hair sticking to his skin.
"T-Techno," Wilbur cried.
"Your alive!?" Technoblade said shocked.
"N-no one told you?" He muttered. Technoblade shook his head no. Wilbur saw as Technoblade looked away. Even Technoblade is disgusted by him. He felt himself sob again. He looked down looking at his muddy clothes. He felt a hand on his shoulder and noticed Technoblade standing at eye level with a small smile.
"You don't hate me?" Wilbur question.
"Hate you? If anything you should hate me," Technoblade said.
"I could never," Wilbur said.
"And I could never hate you, Will I'm proud of you."
"Yes, I'm proud of you Wilbur." Technoblade smiled, hugging Wilbur, not caring that his clothes get dirty.

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