Part 1

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It had started like any other night in New York. The peaceful, springtime evening shattered by gargoyles roaring to life and shedding their stone skins right as the sun dipped beneath the horizon.

The clan of seven gargoyles roared and stretched from having been in stone sleep since sunrise that morning. They all felt refreshed and ready for a new night of activity.

Hudson, the old one, and Goliath, the younger lavender leader, took off down to the ground from the tower to go hang out in the TV room for a little while, at least until their breakfast time.

Broadway, the aqua big male, and his mate, Angela, the lavender female, joined hands and flew down toward the area that would take them to the library. Brooklyn, the red beaked male, eyed them sadly. He so wanted what they had: love.

The smallest of the clan was beside Brooklyn. As he saw the two lovers take off, he turned to Lexington. "Hey, Lex. Do you want to hang out tonight?" Brooklyn asked.

"No, thanks, Brooklyn," Lex replied. "I'm going to go see Alex. Maybe another night."

"Alright," Brooklyn frowned. Then Lex glided down to the nursery area to go see his little buddy, Alex.

Brooklyn wondered what he could do with himself tonight. He was the clan's Second in Command, but he didn't have much else to consider to be proud of. He wasn't happy with his position in the clan currently. The gar-dog, Bronx ran down the stairs going after Hudson, leaving the red male alone on his roost.

He sat up there, thinking for awhile before he went down and wandered the hallways. He was going to head to his own room. What he wouldn't give for a best friend, someone to hang with, but more so, a female love of his own. Lex was the only other one that he seemed to be able to hang with at times, but even he could get busy with his computer games, fixing things, and babysitting Alex.

Later, breakfast was done and the gargoyles joined the Xanatos family. What was breakfast to the gargoyles first thing in the evening was dinner for their human benefactors.

Brooklyn reluctantly joined them to eat. He barely tasted the food as he stared at Broadway and Angela having a delightful conversation about something.

It was after breakfast that Goliath assigned patrols.

Bronx would remain behind to guard the castle, and Hudson and Lex would go with Goliath. Brooklyn groaned softly at having been assigned to Broadway and Angela's group. This was just what he didn't want. Why did his leader have to do this to him? He would have much rather been with anyone else.

After Goliath's group left first, Brooklyn growled and tried to just get away from the lovebirds. He ran and spread his wings first. He was going to try to stay ahead of them. His group had been assigned to the east side.

Broadway and Angela knew they needed to have a serious outlook on this, but they were just glad to be together on this night. Broadway knew his red brother was jealous of what he and Angela had together, and he knew Brooklyn felt like a third wheel.

The couple tried to keep up with Brooklyn, but it was hard because he was the fastest glider of the clan.

"I wonder what's bothering Brooklyn?" Angela asked.

"Us, is what is bothering him," Broadway replied lowly. "He hates being assigned to us because he doesn't have what we have."

"He'll find his love one of these days," Angela said.

"I just wish he wouldn't go moping about when he's around us," Broadway stated.

After gliding quite a distance, Brooklyn came to land on a rooftop and try to look around to see if there was anything going on. That was when the other two showed up. He walked away, trying to ignore them.

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