Part 7

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The gargoyles were enjoying a great dinner. Brooklyn was gaining his appetite back after not eating much for the past few months.

The others were glad he was eating more. Then it would be time for patrol again.

Goliath assigned the brothers to patrol together, and he, Hudson, and Angela were together. Bronx was to stay and guard the castle. He whined. He hated being left behind.

Once they were away from the castle, Broadway couldn't help but get close to Brooklyn.

"So, what's going on, Brooklyn?" the aqua colored male asked the red one.

"What do you mean?" Brooklyn asked.

"You seem like you're okay with me and Angela now, but you just seem... different. What changed your mind about us?" Broadway interrogated his brother.

"Nothing. I just found it wasn't worth my time moping over it anymore. Leave it be," Brooklyn growled. He was annoyed at all these questions.

"Brooklyn, what is going on with you? It's been going on for some time now," Lex was next.

"Look, both of you, I assure you, I'm fine! Now leave me alone with all these dumb questions!" he snapped.

"Okay. Sorry," Lex stated. Both he and Broadway were still suspicious though.

It was a quiet patrol for them both, until they found some robbers trying to get into a bank. There were six of them.

Each of them took two of them on. A big man that Brooklyn was fighting had a hard, metal bat in his hands. Brooklyn managed to knock one down and was fighting the other. The one with the bat ended up getting in close contact with the red gargoyle and his bat made contact with Brooklyn's upper stomach.

"Oh!" Brooklyn cried out and fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.

"So it looks like you gargoyles aren't all invincible as we thought," the man sneered evilly at him. He started to prepare to bring it down on Brooklyn's head next.

Broadway and Lex were done with their robbers and saw their brother was in trouble. They rushed to help him.

Broadway jumped onto the man and grabbed his bat away from him while Lex went to Brooklyn's side. "Are you okay, Brooklyn?" he asked in concern.

Brooklyn gasped loudly. "Oh, it hurts!" He was trying hard to breathe. He was also worried about his baby. This was the last straw. This couldn't go on anymore. Luckily, it had been in his upper belly, but it didn't make the blow hurt any less.

Lex helped Brook to his feet, but he kept on hunching over.

"Go ahead, knock yourself out," Broadway exclaimed. He knocked the last man out. All six of them were out and sirens were coming. "We'd better get out of here," he said.

"Come on, Brook, we got to go," Lex encouraged.

Brooklyn got his second wind enough that they all could climb to a rooftop where it was safer. His stomach still greatly ached. He needed a little more time before they went home.

But soon, he had caught his breath enough that they could go home. They all had watched as the robbers had been taken away by police.

As they were gliding home, Brooklyn kept a hand on his stomach. It still hurt.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Lex asked.

"I will be. The guy just gave me quite a blow," Brooklyn replied.

Once they returned home, they could usually begin to relax, but the Trio were greeted with the rest of the clan and Xanatos on the battlements.

"Hey, what's going on?" Broadway asked as they started walking towards their leader.

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