Part 23

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The clan would keep an eye out for Thailog attacking again, but he didn't come back.

The weather was nice and warm, sometimes hot during the summer months as they went on. It was nice to just chill and go for a swim on the hottest nights. Gliding felt good too.

Akemi tried to work out every night and Brooklyn would watch her. He would also do his best to let her school him in some of the Japanese style of fighting. It could possibly come in handy in combat with Japanese warriors even here in New York.

They both would work up sweats in the dojo and loved to shower off afterward. They would even go for romantic swims too. It oftentimes ended up with underwater matings. They were still newlyweds in the matter of speaking. Brooklyn was just having the time of his life having a wonderful new mate in his life.

When July 9th came, the clan, the Xanatos family, plus Elisa, his grandfathers, and even Queen Titania came to celebrate Alex's 3rd birthday. Alex was getting to be a big boy.

There was some mac and cheese served, and hot dogs and hamburgers, and cake and ice cream. Then it was time for his presents. Toy giraffe, bear, shoes, and clothes were given, books, a ball. So many things that a three-year-old could want. Though Titania took her grandson on a magical trip later for her gift.

When they returned, Owen turned into Puck, and he told them how far he had come in teaching Alex about his powers. Titania was pleased that her grandson was learning the vital gifts of his powers, something her daughter, Fox, never got to learn.

After the party, the clan went on patrol and Elisa went home for the night with Goliath going with her.


The summer months passed. Soon it was September. It would be autumn soon.

Brooklyn and Akemi had done the thinking and were going to do the breeding time a little early as the experiment. They told Preston, Nathan, and Vanessa they would do it. The scientists were pleased. But the couple clarified that their mating was going to be private. The humans would just deliver the hormones to make Akemi come into heat and Brooklyn and her would handle the rest.

It was around the Equinox when the time was right. The couple headed to the lab while the twins were watched by Broadway and Angela for a couple nights.

When they arrived at the lab, the scientists just wanted to get some vitals first. Mating was just the first step in creating a new egg. Then Akemi would have to be monitored constantly for the following six months, that is if the hormones worked, and she got pregnant. After laying the egg, the humans wanted to follow the development of the egg carefully; the embryo and fetus inside it. It would be one LONG experiment.

Vitals like heart and lung vitals were taken first to make sure their health was just right for this to take place. Once it was deemed fine, Preston administered an injection into Akemi's hip.

"What's in that?" Brooklyn asked.

"Oxytocin mostly, but there's increased estrogen too. It'll make her pheromones and hormones attract you to her. And we have a special room all set up for you." Preston explained.

"What's oxytocin?"

"It's called the bonding hormone. Like when you are bonding with Akemi or the twins, if you feel like a flush of love going through you, it's that kind of feeling," the man replied.

"Oh. Thanks."

"I feel like my hormones are getting whacky." Akemi spoke up. "Brooklyn-San, we should head to that room now."

"Yeah. It wouldn't be safe for you to be around us when we are doing the act." Brooklyn stated. Then he and Akemi went to the special room that had been designed for them.

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