Part 24

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Over the next few weeks, the clan would wait to hear of any news at all about possibly a new egg that would be on the way soon. Akemi was taking it easy as much as she could. She didn't want to take any chances of a miscarriage of an egg.

The night finally came, and Preston and Vanessa came to the castle to check her over. Nathan was at a conference.

Brooklyn and the clan were in the waiting area to know anything. The red male was the most anxious since he would be the expectant father.

A half hour later, Brooklyn had been pacing restlessly and that was when Vanessa came out of the medic room.

"So, how is she, Doctor?" Hudson asked.

Brooklyn looked nervous. The woman looked at him most of all. "Brooklyn, you're going to be a father soon." Vanessa announced proudly.

"Way to go, Brooklyn!" Broadway patted him on the shoulder.

"Congratulations, Lad." Hudson smiled.

"I'm going to be an aunt again." Angela said, smiling.

Lex and Goliath also gave him their congrats, wishing him the best. This time, the pregnancy was intended as it was supposed to be; a female carrying an egg.

Brooklyn smiled his biggest grin. "Can I go to her now?" he asked.


Brooklyn gladly ran into the exam room. He couldn't be happier. When he opened the door, he saw Akemi sitting on the exam table. She looked up and saw her mate. She had been looking down at her belly.

"We did it, Brooklyn-San. We're going to have an egg in six months' time!" Akemi declared proudly. She got off the table and ran to hug her mate excitedly. He scooped her up in his arms, returning the hug.

"I know. Vanessa told me. How are you feeling right now?" he asked.

"I feel great. I'm just so happy that we are pregnant even though this was an experiment." Akemi replied.

"Look, this is amazing. I will do anything for you while you're carrying our egg, Akemi. Just let me know if you need anything and I'll be happy to get it for you." Brooklyn explained. He wanted to be a good father even before the birth happened.

"Alright, my Love, you don't have to treat me like an invalid. I can still do things for myself. At least up until I get bigger, I can still fight and patrol. I know of a lot of males that got overprotective of their mates during the last breeding season. I was too young then, but I remember it. The females got hormonal and often wanted to be left alone and not having to be thought they were going to break every second." Akemi explained.

Brooklyn knew his mate would stand up to him, but he was glad she gave him this heads up before it actually happened. He would also likely get this advice from Goliath and Hudson. Perhaps David and Fox too. Fox would know all too well what Akemi would be going through. But then, so did Brooklyn, as he had gone through it too, for a male.


A week later, Akemi started getting sickness symptoms and Brooklyn knew these symptoms all too well. This proved to the clan that she was pregnant.

Brooklyn literally didn't want to leave her side while she was having these symptoms. Akemi was laid off patrol for now too. It just wasn't worth her life or the clan's if she got sick on patrol. Akemi would assure Brooklyn that she would be there when he got back from his patrols and she would look after the twins too.

Skye and Hana had no clue that they would be big sisters in the future. But it would still be a long time yet. They would have their first birthday before their new mom even gave birth to the egg. They would be eleven when their new sibling would hatch.

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