Part 21

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Over the next many nights, Thailog was monitoring the castle for the clan's activities. He was going to get the red male, one way or another. He had a set of darts on him ready to use.

The night came for him to get his chance. From the binoculars, Thailog saw that Brooklyn was assigned with Lexington to patrol to the east. This was the best chance he could get. He put his binoculars away and jumped off the rooftop he was on. He began to follow the two smaller gargoyles.


Brooklyn and Lex were just gliding along peacefully.

"Looks like a quiet night." Brooklyn said.

"We sure don't have that many of those." Lex added.

They were far enough away from the castle that then, out of nowhere, a force struck them from above. They cried out in surprise as a dark shadow went beneath them.

"Whoa, what was that?" Lex asked.

"Look there!" Brook declared as he spotted the big shadow heading downward to a big warehouse building.

"We need to investigate. It looked like another gargoyle." Lex said.

"And we are." Brooklyn replied. The two brothers followed the shadow gargoyle to the warehouse that he was headed towards.

When they landed, the door had already been found broken into. This dark gargoyle sure had strength to knock down a powerful door. The building looked empty but there were many boxes lying around.

"Hello, anyone in here?" Brooklyn asked. He went in first, being in charge this time around. Lex was behind him, staying close.

They went around some few box aisles, but found nothing, though there were some noises in there from time to time. But then suddenly, a creak in the rafters made them look up.

Up above them, was a big black gargoyle with white hair, red eyes, and blue armor, grinning sinisterly. "I see it is Goliath's Second in Command and his little green friend." Thailog sneered.

"Thailog!" Lex exclaimed.

Thailog then dived down upon them both. He got a hold of Lexington first. He got a hold of his arms and punched Brooklyn in the face, knocking him away into a load of boxes, making them splatter everywhere.

"You, I don't need, little one." Thailog growled and hit Lex in the stomach, making him grunt in pain.

Brooklyn wasn't out for long. He shook his head and went to go save his brother.

"Let him go, Thailog!" Brooklyn growled, eyes glowing.

"Interesting offer, Brooklyn. You surrender to me, or your little brother here dies." Thailog exclaimed. He had Lex by the throat. Lex struggled in his grip.

"What do you want?" Brooklyn demanded.

"I want you, of course. Only you can give me what I want. So, what's it going to be, Second in Command?"

Brooklyn saw that Lex was losing his ability to breathe. Thailog's hand was tight on his throat.

"Alright, I surrender. Just don't hurt him." Brooklyn said. He didn't like to do this, but Lex's life was on the line.

Thailog made sure that Lex was completely unconscious and he threw him aside. Then, he went up to Brooklyn. "Now I can't have you knowing the way to my little hideout," he proclaimed.

Brooklyn glared and bared his teeth, eyes normal at the moment. Then he felt a prick in his left shoulder from a dart having been jammed into his skin. He grunted in pain and held the area. His vision began to get blurry on him shortly after. It wasn't long before he fell to the floor, unconscious.

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