Part 16: Christmas

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As Christmas was around the corner, the clan began to double their patrols. There were lots of baddies out there that loved to steal around the holidays.

The clan was also preparing to get Brooklyn their special gifts for Christmas, which would also be his baby shower at the same time. He would be well pampered this year.

During the month of December, Brooklyn and Akemi began to get even closer. Brooklyn wasn't permitted to leave the castle anymore. It was just too dangerous in his condition.

Quarrymen riots and attacks on the clan out on the streets had begun to pick up too. Another reason for him not to go out.

When it was time for Brooklyn's next exam, Akemi was in the infirmary with him. She wanted to see what the children looked like. Preston and Vanessa had come to do the exam.

The two beaked gargoyles were amazed at how big the twins looked on the screen. Brook was in his 7th month now. There was just a couple more to go.

For Brooklyn, as much as he loved feeling the babies move inside him to know they were alive and well, they did get on his nerves too when they were kicking into his ribs and diaphragm, and even into his other organs. Having a bigger belly was nerve wracking for him. For him, his girlfriend had yet to see what he looked like without being pregnant.

He had told Akemi that his stomach was a lot like Lexington's stomach before he had gotten pregnant, but now, it was different.

Preston loved to do every exam on the red male's belly, to see how well a male creature was able to use an artificial womb to carry a special kind of offspring, hybrid or not. He was also getting an idea. He wanted to talk to Akemi after the exam.

After Brooklyn got his new sonogram pic, he was leaving the lab as Preston pulled Akemi aside. Vanessa was used to distract him while Akemi talked to Preston.

"Akemi, I have an idea that might be a bit extreme." Preston said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I know Brooklyn is going to be a brand new father soon. Are you going to consider being his mate?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good. My idea is, if you want to have your own child with Brooklyn sooner rather than later, I think I can make it happen." Preston explained.

"How? But we will be busy caring for the twins for a while." Akemi stated.

"I know, but perhaps in a year or so, since the real breeding year is so far off yet, I could use some hormones and get you to come into breeding season officially. Unless we want to try to have him carry a purebred gargoyle baby. Akemi, we are on the breakthrough of trying to do something to try to save the gargoyle species. I know a male carrying a baby is unnatural, but we have to do experiments to see if they truly will be a breakthrough to help the species reproduce faster," Preston explained.

"We don't know much about why our children take so long to develop inside their eggs, but it must be a good reason for it." Akemi stated.

"That's why we're trying to change that possibility." Preston said. "Will you be willing to help us? And we'll talk to Brooklyn too."

"This is going to take some careful thinking on, Preston." Akemi said.

"I know. There's still plenty of time to think about it, but let me know."

"Alright." she replied.

Preston and Vanessa left after that.

Akemi reunited with Brooklyn and they went out to show the clan the new sonogram pic. The clan was in awe at how the twins looked inside their father. They sure were getting big and were still going to get bigger. They still weren't ready for life outside Brook's body yet.

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