Part 17: New Years

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Brooklyn and Akemi got to work starting to look for names for the little bundles of joy. They looked at all the names that had been chosen by their clan and friends to help them out. They also looked up the names in the baby name book to see what they meant. This was a serious decision that would be the start of the rest of their lives. Each one of them could come up with a name for them.

Even though Akemi was not their biological mother, she was going to end up being their mother that would help raise them. She did want to have a biological one with Brooklyn someday.

Now that he knew the genders of his little ones, he knew he would be surrounded by females in the family he was creating. It made him smile. He also had a feeling that Angela was glad for more female company, aside from Akemi.

Akemi decided she was going to name one of the twins a Japanese name, and Brooklyn was going to name one after a place like the way he had chosen his name after the borough.

When Brooklyn came across Akemi's name, he said, "Your name means 'beautiful and bright.' You are at that, my Love." He put a hand to her cheek and she nuzzled it. She also took his hand in hers.

"Thank you, Love." Akemi replied. She kissed his hand.

Brooklyn was so happy he had found a girl to share his life with even though they weren't official mates yet. They would plan to do it sometime after the twins were born and keep on getting to know each other.

When Akemi came across a Japanese name she liked, she liked Hana.

"What does it mean?" Brooklyn asked.

"It means, 'flower, blossom.'" Akemi replied.

"Hana," Brook sounded it out. "It's pretty. But which baby do you want the honor of being named that? The one on my right or left?" He pointed to his belly.

Akemi looked down at his belly, where the twins were moving a bit inside their father. She grinned. She had a fun idea of how to settle this. She got closer to his belly. "Who wants to be named Hana?" she asked.

Brooklyn was surprised she did that. Could they hear her from inside him?

Instantly, there was some movement on the left side first. "Ugh! I think this one heard you." Brook stated, pointing to the left one.

Akemi laughed, "Well then, her name shall be Hana."

"That's settled then. Now I just need to find a name for the other one." Brook said.

He looked at magazines that had some amazing places. He had named himself after a borough of New York, and the bridge. He had seen his own name in the meanings too. It was more of a female name, but the nickname part of his name, Brook, was male.

As he came across a name, it was Skye. Well, this child would learn to glide one day and be of the sky. Of course, it also came from the Isle of Skye in northern Scotland. That was also where he had originally been hatched too.

"I think I found my baby's name. How about Skye? My clan and I were all born in Scotland and there's and Isle of Skye there. And one day, she'll be of the sky too." Brooklyn explained his thoughts.

"Skye. That sounds like a pretty name too." Akemi agreed.

"Hm, Broadway had also suggested it too." Brook admitted.

"I want to see what else it means," Akemi said. She took the baby name book to look it up.

There was more to the name than met the eye. Of course, it was from the Isle of Skye. It was also an airy name. There was another part of the research that meant 'winged.' This seemed to fit the second twin well.

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