Part 20: Welcome Back

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For the next week, Brooklyn and Akemi spent their nights making a lot of love, but also having special picnics in the woods and gliding in the skies in acrobatic ways that only gargoyles could do. They would play games with each other and telling jokes, listening to music and telling stories of the past. They even went swimming a couple times at a pond that was in the area too. They were having the time of their lives.

Brooklyn felt like he had never been so happy in his life. He just felt like the smile would never leave his face as he smiled at his new mate. She did the same. Akemi felt just like him. She had longed to find the right male.

They also discussed the thought of doing the pregnancy thing with the scientists. They wanted to wait awhile before adding anymore kids.

Life couldn't get any better for the newlywed couple.


Back at the castle, the clan sometimes had a tough time trying to get Hana and Skye to settle down for their eating and naptimes. They were crying for their parents. They wanted to see Brooklyn especially. This was the longest he had been separated from them.

Angela might have been the best one at getting the twins to settle down, with her softer voice. Broadway and Lex felt bad that their nieces weren't wanting to behave for them. They just wanted to be good uncles and babysitters. Maybe one day they would get along better.

Goliath was off with Elisa a lot. Hudson and Bronx still watched TV, but the elder didn't mind helping with the little ones either if asked. He was like a grandfather to them after all. Goliath and Hudson were leaving the majority of babysitting duties to the younger gargoyles. There was no patrol this week.

The Xanatos family still stuck to their business life. Lex would also still check in on Alex too. He kept Hana and Skye with him when he went to go visit the human child. Alex still loved to see his Uncle Lex.

Alex was still too young to go to public school, but he was already in school, with Owen changing into Puck and teaching him how to change his shape and how to do spells, and many other things that shapeshifters could do that ordinary mortals couldn't.


The week finally ended and the clan was ready for Akemi and Brooklyn to return. The twins would be so happy to see their parents.

David went to go get them in his helicopter.

Up at Xanadu, the couple were so happy that they had spent this time alone together. They would still remain close when they were brought back home, but they would have to start working again with the clan. They would also be mostly back in charge of Skye and Hana.

David soon came and got them and he flew them back home.

"So, how was the honeymoon?" the man asked.

"It couldn't have been better." Akemi replied happily.

David could sense that she was very happy. He saw the look on the red male's face too. Brooklyn was just as happy.

"How were the twins while we were gone?" Brooklyn asked.

"They miss their father and new mother. Your brothers and Angela were the ones mainly taking care of them." David stated.

"I missed them too and ready to see them." Brook replied.

It was a few hours flight back home but they got there. The clan had heard the chopper and went outside to greet it. Angela and Broadway each held a baby in their arms.

When Brooklyn and Akemi got out of the chopper, they went over to the aunt and uncle holding them and took their kids from them. The babies cooed and gladly latched onto their parents.

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