Part 12

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When Brooklyn made it to his 20th week, he was feeling the twins move more clearly now. It felt so strange feeling them moving about inside him. He was officially at the halfway point.

He had energy at times to do what he liked, especially eating. He always seemed to be hungry. But then there were mood swings too. Everyone had to watch what they said around him as well. He could get upset easily or angered easy as well. The clan was usually careful in what they said to him.

The women were the ones who were probably more considerate of what they said around him. His brothers had found out at one time that teasing him even just a little bit about being pregnant was not so funny.

The joke had been that with the way he was eating that he might one day soon be as big as Broadway was. Brooklyn didn't find that funny. He knew he was gaining weight, but at least he had a good reason. He was bringing life into the world soon. After that, they said that they were sorry, and wouldn't do it again, at least not until after the babies were born.

Brooklyn had found that rock concerts were not that enjoyable right now. The babies would constantly jump about inside him if there were loud noises around. Even loud noises even as simply as kitchen ware dropping would make his babies jump inside him.

As much as he still wanted to at least go to the movies, with all the dangers out there in the city right now, it was just better to stay in and watch movies on TV instead. The babies would weigh him down one of these days completely.

When he sought out pregnancy advice, he would often ask Fox since she had gone through this before. She had lots of information to give too. Books and movies could only give so much information.

Fox also told Brooklyn that perhaps he should learn some new breathing techniques too, because the bigger the babies got, the more pressure they were going to be putting on his internal organs. He would need to find new ways to breathe and get up and down. His back was already bothering him.

Preston and Vanessa were still coming to check on the twins too. Both of them looked like their father even from the inside. Brooklyn was pleased at how they looked and that they were healthy.


In Japan, Nathan had made contact with Ishimura. He had found the gargoyle clan there, led by Kai. He had been welcomed with open arms.

There were far fewer females than males as he checked them all out and got to know them a bit. Most of them were mated, but there were two that were unmated. A greenish female with a beak named Akemi, and there was a brown one that had a humanoid face named Sachie.

Akemi was a really serene one, but she liked a good joke too. She used a tanto for a weapon. She was close in height to Brooklyn, but still shorter. She kept her hair in a ponytail. She wore a purple kimono. She admired flowers and animals. She helped look after the clan's hatchlings too.

Sachie was more the silent type, wanting more to be alone. She was definitely an introvert, keeping to herself. She took things more seriously, and wasn't much of a fighter. She was more of a librarian really. Even in clans, there were some that stood out from the rest. She was even smaller than Akemi. She wore a blue kimono. She liked her hair to be down.

If Nathan had anything to say about it, Akemi seemed more like Brooklyn's type. He would want a female that interacted with him and wouldn't shun him. He would also want one that was good with children since he had twins on the way.

Nathan got up the courage to speak to Akemi one day. She was tending to a garden.

"Hi, Akemi." Nathan greeted with a bow and smile.

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