Part 10

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A few days later, when Preston and his friends came by to see Brooklyn again for another exam, he gave the file to Preston.

"Elisa got it back from him. But I'll only let you have it back on the grounds that it stays here at the castle for safety reasons." Brooklyn said.

"That's perfectly fine, Brooklyn." Preston said. "And thanks to Elisa for getting it back."

"I read the file." Brook stated.


"I saw that human egg samples were used to create my babies. So, they are part human, aren't they?" he asked.

"Partly, but gargoyle eggs are not exactly laying around in labs. We had to use what we could. But the taking out of the nucleus of the eggs, and mixing tissue and sperm samples inside them would make them more gargoyle than human. They are going to be very special babies, Brooklyn." Preston explained.

"They aren't clones, are they?"

"No, they are not." Nathan said.

"Good." Brook replied.

"Let's get a look now, shall we?" Preston declared.

The exam went on. Brooklyn laid back and his belly was examined with the ultrasound. His stomach had a very noticeable baby bump by now.

"How have you been feeling lately, pregnancy wise?" Vanessa asked.

"My back has started hurting. I feel hungry a lot more. I have energy sometimes, and other times, I feel really tired." Brooklyn explained.

"Well, that's to be expected. The hungry part where you are feeding three stomachs." Nathan stated.

"And being tired, well, your body is using a lot of resources to grow those babies. So, rest as much as you can. Avoid stress." Preston said.

"I just got over a big one." Brooklyn said.

"We know, but you should be able to relax again." Vanessa stated. "Especially since Sevarius is behind bars."

Brooklyn then looked over at the screen at his babies. His eyes lit up in wonder and love at seeing how big they had gotten and what they were looking like. They were fully formed, just getting bigger now.

Both babies had four fingers and three toes with the claw on the heel. Wings. Beaks and horns. Tails. Their little hearts were just thumping away. Brooklyn was allowed to hear them.

"They have good, strong heartbeats." Preston said.

"Hard to believe they are now at fifteen weeks." Vanessa declared.

The babies were seen moving around a bit on the ultrasound too. Brooklyn had been feeling some slight fluttering lately, but it was nothing that he seriously felt yet.

"It's hard to believe that I'll soon be able to feel them moving around inside me." he said.

"It should be relatively soon." Preston stated.

"How's your diet?" Nathan asked.

"I eat healthy. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, plus a little meat. In the first trimester, I couldn't hardly stand to look at meat. The smells made me sick to my stomach." Brooklyn explained. "I try to not eat so many sweets. And the strangest thing, I also get cravings for pizza, and I never liked it before I was pregnant. I also love the big bready pretzels."

"Pretzels are good for you. You should take it easier on the pizza though." Vanessa said.

"The clan doesn't really eat pizza as it is. But if I ask for it, I get it."

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