Part 18: Waiting and Birth

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In the last weeks of his pregnancy, Brooklyn began to grow incredibly restless. He was so ready for the twins to be born. He was tired of being treated like an invalid.

His scientist friends were now coming by weekly to make sure the twins were still alright and not showing any stressful signs. It was their father who was under the stress of carrying them. His back hurt and his ankles swelled. Of course, he didn't feel contractions because the womb was artificial.

Brooklyn tried to keep track of their movements when they moved inside him. He felt like a bloated buffalo, being so big in his belly, but he was proud of this big belly too, to be giving life to him soon.

His mate-to-be was proud of him too, for actually being able to carry these babies all these months. Akemi tried to help him out as much as she could to try to keep him happy. Despite Brooklyn showing he was happy about the babies, he was still miserable too. Sometimes the babies could move into positions in his ribs or just off inside him and make him feel like he would lose his balance.

Akemi took to giving Brooklyn some welcome massages to try to soothe his bodily aches, even giving good belly rubs to try to soothe the twins inside him too.

Brooklyn took a nap during the night for a couple hours every night because he was also incredibly tired as well.

The other clan members knew that he was ready to have the twins from how much he complained. It just wasn't time yet.

Sometimes his skin felt really itchy too, and he or Akemi would put some essential oils on it. It was safe for babies.

Taking warm baths felt good too, to try to relax all the swollen muscles inside him.

Before this pregnancy, Brooklyn had had quite an impressive build to his body. His belly had had a six pack to it, but the pregnancy had taken that away. He had some stretch marks on the skin, which would hopefully disappear someday. He would have to work hard to gain that look back.


When Brooklyn knew that he was 37 weeks along, he was more than ready to get Skye and Hana out of him. They were still smaller than what a singleton might have been. But Preston ruled that he wanted the twins to stay inside him at least a week longer.

"Oh, I can't take much more of this, Preston!" Brooklyn complained. "My back is killing me! The twins put so much pressure on my organs and kick into my ribs and lungs. I think they're more than ready to come out!"

"Just do it for a few more days, Brooklyn. You're almost there," Preston said.

"This has to be so hard on his body. It sure is on his mentality." Akemi stated. "I try my best to help him, but I can only do so much."

"I know, Akemi. But think, one day, he'll be needing to do this for you." Preston pointed out.

"But that day's still a long way off." Brooklyn grumbled. He felt a baby kick him in the side.

A new sonogram had been printed off for them. From the looks from the ultrasound, they both were all curled up inside their sacs. No doubt they were ready to spread their limbs from such cramped quarters. Very soon they would get that chance.

Brooklyn didn't like moving around much anymore. He just wanted to sit and rest and have his feet propped up.

His times of eating were now reduced to more smaller meals. His organs were pressed on so much anymore that he had slow and sometimes, uncomfortable digestion. He still drank plenty of liquids. Brooklyn could feel the twins pressing on his bladder too.

Just one more week!


A week later, Brooklyn was waiting anxiously for the night when Preston and his colleagues would come and help him give birth to these two little miracles. He just couldn't take much more of the pressure inside him.

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