Part 15: Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving was getting closer. Brooklyn was in his 27th week. Just three weeks ago, it had been the day of the Halloween party and meeting Akemi for the first time.

Thanksgiving was strictly a North American holiday. But everyone should celebrate it, to say or give tribute to what they were truly thankful for. Akemi would be celebrating it for the first time too. When she had been told about it, she understood how honorable it was. She was an honored warrior, just as the rest of the clan was.

Brooklyn was grateful for Akemi coming to stay with them, the babies coming into his life, having made some new human friends, and of course, the food that would nourish the babies he carried. He was also grateful to his clan for accepting his babies and being there for him.

Akemi was going to keep getting to know Brooklyn first before she decided on becoming his mate or not. Lexington was available too, but he didn't show that much interest in her. He was more interested in the computer.

Akemi knew how to work the basics of technology, but she wasn't big time into it. So her attention seemed to focus more on Brooklyn. He was drawn to her as well.

Broadway and Angela were allowed to go out on dates out in the city by themselves. Brooklyn and Akemi had to stay here at the castle. Akemi patrolled, but Brooklyn couldn't for a few more months.

Even with the cooler months of late fall and winter coming on, the cooler air didn't bother the gargoyles much at all. Brooklyn often times felt hotter than normal. Of course, his body had a lot more blood flowing more now, just trying to nurture the unborn twins. Their kicking would sometimes end up into his diaphragm and ribs.

Brooklyn asked Goliath what was going to happen for Thanksgiving this year.

"The Mutates and clones are going to come here for Thanksgiving. So is Elisa's family." Goliath replied. "I know you can't get beneath the ground in your condition, Brooklyn."

"Thanks. I don't want to chance it either."

Owen and some special kitchen staff would be making the special dinner. Broadway needed some time with Angela. But Angela also wanted to spend some time with her mother too. She did that once a week. Brooklyn hoped Demona still didn't know about him being pregnant. He had told Angela not to tell her mother, and she had promised she wouldn't tell. So far, so good.


The girls were wanting to throw Brooklyn a baby shower in December. They wanted him to be prepared for fatherhood by getting him supplies, but then, Christmas would be there soon too. Instead of a baby shower, they all would pitch in and get Brooklyn what he would need to help take care of the twins. Christmas could be the baby shower in itself. Even the other males were welcome to get gifts for the little ones too.

The ones all involved were Elisa, Fox, Angela, Maggie, Akemi, Diane, and even Vanessa. Elisa had told her mother of Brooklyn carrying. She had thought it absurd at first, but came to accept it, if weirdly.

Another thing that they organized were to have even all the guys come up with four names each and they would all be put into a drawing raffle. It could be a fun game. It would be a way for Brooklyn to decide names for the twins. Names were important for everyone to have.

The guys were thrilled to help out with something. Lex knew where he was going to look up names: the Internet. Others would use the computer too, or name books.

Elisa ruled that whatever name they picked, it should also include the meaning of the name too. Knowing the meaning made a difference too.

Brooklyn's name itself was actually a more feminine name, but he didn't care. That was his name and it was going to stay that way.

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