Part 11

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 In the coming days, Brooklyn began to have happier moods now that the amnio test was over. He still waited on results, but he wasn't letting it get to him.

The clan noticed that he was getting a 'glow' to himself. His skin seemed shinier than usual. He was also much happier. Life was just good right now.

And in two more weeks, at his 18th week, the news came back that the twins were completely healthy, despite how the pregnancy wasn't a normal process.

Brooklyn couldn't help himself that he also found a book about other creature pregnancies. He was just curious about other animals having babies too. While reading about other pregnancies, he also found that the seahorse family in the seas were the only animals in the world where the fathers actually carried and gave birth to the babies instead of the mothers. He didn't know that. He found it fascinating.

Sure, there were plenty of fathers out there in the animal kingdom besides humans that helped raise their young, but only after birth. There were some animals like some species of birds and fish where only the father looked after the young as eggs and afterwards, like ostriches. Right now, Brooklyn fit into the category with this miracle pregnancy. But even gargoyle fathers helped raise their young too.

Brooklyn had also read that talking to the babies was a good thing to start doing. They might be able to hear him even from inside him. That made him smile. He gave his belly a rub. "If you two can hear my voice from in there, I wish you would give me a sign." he said.

He had been feeling some flutterings in his stomach for a few weeks now. It made him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach. He hardly ever got butterflies, but it usually stemmed when he was nervous about something. He didn't have anything to worry about at the moment, so what was going on?

On his next exam, from the ultrasound, it showed that one twin was a little smaller than the other. That was okay. It was still healthy.

"We might even be able to tell the genders before they are born too, Brooklyn," Preston said.

"Really?" He asked in fascination.

"Yes, I think so. Maybe in a few weeks, we can find out, unless you want to be surprised?" the man stated.

"Is it possible to now?" Brook asked.

"I want to wait till they are a little bigger to just be sure." Preston replied. "At least once they are past twenty weeks. Give it the consideration you want. It's up to you if you want to know. But knowing the genders can help to know what to prepare for, especially the names."


This would be the first time to find out what a gargoyle baby would be before birth. Brooklyn did want to give his babies the best names that he could, and a good start. Names were part of their identity for life. It could determine personality and temperament, not just genes alone. Of course, names weren't a thing for gargoyles in the past, and he himself had already been a young adult by the time he chose his own name.

He was given a new picture to look at and show the clan. The twins were nestled right next to each other, but in their own sacs. He couldn't believe how big they were getting. They were growing fast.

They both should be near the size of a bell pepper by now. The weight should have doubled from two weeks ago to 6 and ¾ ounces, and about the length of five and a half inches long.

Brooklyn often had ravenous hunger and he was having to eat several times a night. He was eating more than even Broadway, but the difference was that Brooklyn just ate smaller meals than his brother did. He didn't want to get heartburn or be so bloated.

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