1.Where it all began

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Izuku Pov

Quirks, that is where it all started, when a baby in china started to glow these developments of superhuman powers seemed to change the world and lead to a new age with new professions, Heroes, but for some, this isn't an option for you see only 80% of humanity are born with a quirk and I, Izuku Yagi am in that 20% and this isn't a story of how I rose above it all and became the greatest hero, no this is a story where after years of being downtrodden, abused by my 'friends' and neglected by my 'parents', I thought I could go on but after a chance encounter with my Idol, I couldn't, no this isn't a story where I become the number 1 hero, no this is a much better story, this is the story of how I and my 'sister' became the Number 1 villains.

3rd pov

We can see two Parents, the number 11 Hero Telek also known as Inko Yagi and her husband the number 1 hero Allmight also known as Toshinori, however there children do not know this and only believe them to be normal business people, being woken up brutally woken up by their two children Izuku and Izumi Yagi, the two children gave each other a devilish grin then nodded at each other they both lept into the air and slammed their knees into their parents who so rudely decided that sleeping a whole 8 hours was a good idea, preposterous parents are only allowed 6 hours max, so at the best time of the morning for children to be awake 4 AM and so since they were awake their parents had to be awake, tis the law of children.

Screams could be heard howling throught the Yagi household as the elder Yagis held their stomachs in pain, lucky for allmight he hasn't got his injury yet but he is in for a rude awakening in 6 years though, all though that is a story for later time.

"Mommy daddy wake up todays the day we get our quirks" both Izuku and Izumi yelled at their parents

still recovering from their earlier injured and still afflicted with weariness Inko replied "It's 4 AM go back to sleep". "but we can't sleep we're too excited", Toshinori begrudgingly decided to get knowing his kids there was nothing they could do, "ok ok kids, calm down the quirk specialist opens at 10 we still have 6 hours". the two kids gasp "we didn't think of that, but can we open our presents", Inko smiled at the antics of her two kids "happy birthday you two, but if you want pancakes and presents you've got to get dressed", the two kids ran out of the room, so fast you would think they have a speed quirk, Toshinori smiled at his wife and chuckled "they sure are excited", "what do you expect this is the day they've been waiting for the moment they learned what heroes were"

with the two kids

"Come on Zuku-nii hurry up or we won't get presents"

"I know Zumi-nee but you just want those pancakes ", Izumi chuckled and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly "SHHHH nobody needs to know" (her favourite foods in this are pancakes and katsudon)

after getting ready the two children make a beeline for the kitchen to see presents awaiting them and their mother starting to cook pancakes for them, this was what birthdays were always like but soon it will change and it all began with that one faithful trip to the quirk doctors

soon after many hours of waiting impatiently Inko finally gave in as 10AM reached the clock and as soon as it did she was dragged to the car by her two children, and so after a short drive they made it and once they signed in at reception they sat in the waiting area where the twins started conversing although Izumi was more excited while Izuku was more nervous and for good reason as we will see later, "aren't you excited zuku-nii we gonna see what are quirks are?" Izumi asked Izuku in her normal bubbly tone "I-I am but w-what if I-dont have a quirk" Izuku responded nervously, he was excited but really scared, "that wont matter zuku cause i will support you even if you don't cause I'm confident regardless of your quirk you'll become great one day" "r-really" "of course just think of that new underground hero eraserhead he has to fight quirkless against mutation quirks so if he can do it so can you" (both Izuku and Izumi are massive hero nerds so they even know of the lesser known heros like eraserhead, i dont know when he became a hero but this is like 12 years before 1-A so i say its a good time for him to start) "Y-YEAH your right thank you Zumi-nee" Inko smiled as a nurse came through "Yagi family Dr. Kyudai Garaki will see you now" and with that the Yagi children headed to Dr. Kyudai Garaki office where they ran a couple tests where 3 interesting revelations were made by the doctor that day that would change the course of the world forever

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