6.Operation clone for all begin

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1 year later, the police have constantly been led around on false leads but with just enough actual information to not let the case go cold, sometimes it leads to enemy gangs bases or their storehouses, they heroes were helping the league without realising it, as they often took the resources from the gangs after the heroes had left, but now they seemed to have something concrete they have the location of where Izumi is, well after all for one leaked it to a couple of the gang members just so the heroes could finally find the fake warehouse were she was being 'kept' where all for one would be waiting for them, so far Izukus plans were working perfectly with a few tweaks from all for one himself, the boy was only 10 and still had much to learn after all.

the police surrounded the warehouse with allmight waiting to charge in when suddenly blasts of air come blasting from the warehouse destroying everything within a close proximity and it revealed 'Izumi' tied up in a chair and gagged and she made sure that she had a look of fear etched on her face.

Allmight seeing this went into a blind rage at all for one while the remaining police and heroes charged into the remains of the warehouse to save Izumi, while they were doing that all for one started to talk to allmight "well well allmight what a surprise what are you doing here" he said while giving off an evil smirking, 

"well you see I was just in the area and I thought this would be a delightful place for summer home what the fuck do you think I'm here for" "getting snarky are we allmight" "YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER" "well you'll just have to take her back then hahahaha"

He continued laughing maniacally that's when Allmight charged at AFO once again and they collide fists creating massive shockwaves sending everybody away they continue to exchange fists for every strike Allmight would make AFO blocked and countered and for every strike against him Allmight block and reply with a volley of puches making it seem as though he had multiple fists, but then AFO started to bring different quirks into the fight, sprouting black tendrils with red veins throughout them and used them the through allmight around, he send sent an air cannon at allmight in combination with his arms being enhanced with a quirk, spring like limbs, "this is a combination is fun, maybe ill try to add a few more enhancer types" the battle continued with each exchange weakening each opponent little by little and soon it would come to an end, allmight put all of his power and energy into his fist buffing it up even further and then charged at All for one, in turn he responded with an amalgamation of quirks: strength enhancer times three, kinetic booster times four, spear like bones, spring limbs, impact recoil. each of them shouting out their ultimate attacks, allmight shouting to the top of his lungs "UNITED STATS OF SMAAAAASH" with all for one responding in kind "ULTIMATE COMBINATION OF QUIRKS" they both smashed their attacks into each other at the same time, allmight creating a giant tornado with his quirk smashing all for one into the ground seemingly caving in his skull however it was not without cost, allmights whole stomach was destroyed and so were half of his respiratory organs, and so the fight was over, 'Izumi' rescued however this battle would never be broadcasted an only be known to those who were there because of the grievous injuries he sustained and everyone who was injured was rushed to the hospital especially allmight who was put into the ICU (Intensive care unit) where the doctors worked tirelessly to keep him alive constantly putting him through different surgeries to fix his broken body, but one thing no one bothered to check is if all for one's body was still there

undisclosed location

Izuku, Izumi and all for one's doctor Shiga Maruta surrounded him on an operating table, this past year no only has Izuku and Izumi gone under physical training but the doctor has also been teaching Izumi the practice of medicine and is now at a bachelors degree level in medicine despite being 10, both she and Izuku are prodigies when it comes to gaining knowledge because while she will be specialised in the medical field because she wants to protect her true family Tomura also says 'you can't have a successful party without a good healer' and so that is what she focused on while Izuku practised his analysis and strategising skills when not training and also is at the level of having a masters in quirk science although not officially as they can't register for online schools just yet in fear of being found out but soon Izuku will get his degree but Izumis will take a while because unlike Izuku she wasn't forgotten and neglected and so she didn't have as much time before she joined the league of villains, that's beside the point.

the doctor and Izumi slowly started preparing all for one for surgery and so he was put under anaesthetics afterwards Izumi closed her eyes and focused her psychic energy around her sensei focusing on the most damaged points and so she focused on his skull, first she moved all of the broken fragments back into place and used her healing to fix it, while she was doing that the doctor concentrated on his respiratory system and all the other injuries sustained because they were easier to fix than a caved-in skull so Izumi was left to that and so after a slow gruelling 12 hours of surgery, they had to go slow to ensure nothing was left injured as his injuries were extremely serious but soon after it he had completely recovered, it would take a while for his hair to grow back but nothing a few quirks couldn't fix, which means this battle unknown to many was a complete victory for the villains, allmight critically injured, Clone Izumi (who I will refer to as Zumi except when Izuku speaks to the real then it would be Zumi-nii this will go on until the clone is gone then all Zumis will be the original but you will know when the clone is gone so don't worry) was put into the Yagi household and when it time to dispose of the clone its memories would be transferred to the real version, and with all of this, no one noticed Izuku missing, Teachers wouldn't report it because who cares about some quirkless student and Bakugo just needs to find a new punching bag and with an abundance of students it wasn't that hard for the tyrant, honestly he's more villainous than the actually villains. there were no losses on the villainside unknown to allmight who believes he one because he thinks all for one is dead and he has his 'daughter back' and now all is left to do is to train and to wait, wait for the time when its time to infiltrate UA to bring the fall of this corrupt hero society and all because no one would save to scared little kids when they needed it the most and so the hero system must suffer and be brought down to its knees.

authors note

well that's my first fight scene done, if you have any suggestions for future fights with how to write them I'm open to suggestions as I'm still new to writing fight scenes

aside from that i hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did make sure to hit that star anyways have a good day

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