9.Recruiting Dabi and Toga - prequel

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just quickly before the chapter I have one thing to say

just quickly before the chapter I have one thing to say

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thank you so much for 420 reads as of writing this chapter as well as 20 favourites (or whatever the stars are) and all those who read the chapters and favourites shortly after, it means that so many of you are enjoying the story so far 

I also thought I should explain how Dabi and Toga are in the league early so here we are THE PREQUELS

this story continues 4 years before the canon timeline both Izuku and Izumi currently wear black hair dye to conceal their identities currently, they did this so they could go out in public without being recognised and restraining 11-year-olds wasn't a good idea especially ones that had been abused and so Izuku and Izumi  were out walking through the park and passed an alley when they saw it, it light up with a bright blue flame, they went inside to see a young teen who looked 16 he had black hair with scar marks running all along his body, with staples at the ends of the burn scars keeping the skin attached he also had sharp blue eyes that seemed calculating he was torching a new hero called captain freedom, although despite his hero name investigation showed that he was in charge of a human trafficking ring, both Izumi and I have been desensitized to these kinds of images because of the Yagis and my aggressors, the boy turned around and saw us he was about to attack but then stopped when he saw it was just kids "what are you two doing here" Izuku speak up " we were walking by and we saw you torching that fake" the boys eyes seemed to widend at this as he expected the kids to freak out and he'd have to deal with them but it seems otherwise "what do you two want" the two looked at each other before Izuku once again spoke "I have an offer for you that could benefit you greatly Toya or i suppose you go by Dabi now" this put the now identified Dabi on edge and he narowed his eyes "how do you know my name" "you see the organisation was very interested in your work and when i looked into it i noticed you flames, from a previous investigation into endevwhore" Dabi held back a laugh at the nickname but remained stoic "we noticed that his child had apparently died but used flames very similar to yours and you do share some similarities to your mother" Izuku made sure to compare him to his mother instead of his father knowing of the bad blood between them "and so we would like to formally invite you to the league of villains, don't worry me and Izumi here are the youngest members there are people older than us running the league so don't worry" Dabi looked interested for a moment "I'd like to talk to your leaders first before making a decision" "of course please just wait a moment" Izuku proceeded to press a button on his phone and a portal then opened up beside him, courtesy of Kurogiri they then proceeded to walk through the portal to see Tomura Shigiraki sitting on a bar stool "welcome to the league of villains dabi" Tomura spoke out confidence and he pride of a natural born leader, "as my members have already informed you I would like to invite you to the league of villains" "why should i join, whats in it for me and what are your goals" Tomura luckily had been expecting to answer questions like these after Izuku brought up the possibility of inviting Dabi to the league "you see we can offer you many of our services, accommodation, food we'll even pay you and you are allowed a lot of freedom but you help us when we call for you, and we also plan to take endeavor down, very painfully, and very slowly he will be completely crushed " Dabi smiled at this "as for our goals we plan to tear down this society and rebuild it from the ground up, no more heroes no corruption we will be the revolutionaries that change the world for the better, but to do that we need to get our hands dirty we will be villains as many will die but by the end of it society will become better" Dabi was shocked, he didn't expect something like this from people that call themselves the league of villains "I'm in"

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