12. He was a shitty Deku why do you care

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Thank you guys so much for getting me to 5th in izukuxizumi amongst all these fanfics with thousand of views my fanfic hit 5th with 1 THOUSAND so everyone thank you so much for these rankings and views I hope you enjoy the story, I try to upload a...

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Thank you guys so much for getting me to 5th in izukuxizumi amongst all these fanfics with thousand of views my fanfic hit 5th with 1 THOUSAND so everyone thank you so much for these rankings and views I hope you enjoy the story, I try to upload at least once a week but I'm studying my A-levels currently so sorry if I cant get them out on time 

*mineta voice*

the following is a non-profit fan-based parody, MHA, MHA TWO HERO, and MHA heroes rising are all owned by jump comics Shueisha and Kōhei Horikoshi please support the official release

"how was that" "that was perfect Mineta don't worry about your check we'll send it to your next of kin" "what"

on to the story

Izumi Pov

it was the next day and I'd already made my way back to the dorms, I'm finally free of the yagis FINALLY OH THIS IS SO SWEET bakugo hasn't been expelled yet so I assume that the staff are just waiting who knows anyway I make myself breakfast, I'm generally an early riser so no one is up yet although I sleep in easily if I'm snuggled up to my Zuzu he's just so warm and cuddly it's hard not to sleep next to him its easily what got me through the Yagi household before he left, anyways I continue my morning rituals and headed off to school with the rest of our class I stuck to my 'friend' group I wouldn't consider them friends they are more like a convenient mask to hide the suspicion off of me being a traitor once they come up with that theory so I walk to class with Momo, kyoka,tooru and Shoto (we bonded over shitty fathers although he doesn't know allmights my father he knows I had an abusive one if all goes well he'll join our side soon) the as they call it zumisqud as we enter we just make small talk until the rest of the class and then eventually aizawa walked in "no lets get into homeroom business sorry about the late notice but today, ill have you..." "take another special test" "pick a class president" "its actually a normal school activity" "I want to be president" "pick me" "I want to do it too"  "PICK ME YOU SHITTY EXTRAS"a chorus of cheers erupted from the classroom everyone desiring to be I get tired of all of this so I shout out "QUIET" everyone shuts up at that  "we are hero students we needn't be so loud we need to be calm and collected I say we vote for who we believe the leader should be of course you cant vote for yourself but whoever earns the most votes deserves the title the most and second can be the Vice President." I got nods of approval from everyone "yaomomo can you make a box and paper for all of us please" "of course Izumi" "okay everyone the results are in"
Izumi yagi 20
Momo yaoyorozu 2
Everyone else 1
"HOW DID THAT BITCH GET MORE VOTES THANK ME" "it's simple I have heroic qualities unlike you who just screams die and attempts to kill fellow classmates" this shut him up and kept him "okay class now that you've picked your representatives I have two announcements to make, one most of you will be going in a trip to the USJ and before you say anything kaminari it stands for the unforeseen simulation joint" "what do you mean some kero" "that leads me to my second announcement, Katsuki bakugo as of this moment you are officially expelled from UA" WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO" "you have exhibited behaviour unbecoming of a hero ranging from attempted assault to murder of three individuals" Iida then raised his hand "but sir that's was just during training surely that's not enough to expel him" "normally would be right but there is another factor that contributes towards this, tell me bakugo does the name Izuku Yagi ring any bells" "WHAT THE FUCK DID THAT SHITTY DEKU DO THIS TIME" Aizawa at this point was looking enraged "based on evidence found in his room it appears that he committed suicide over six years ago" bakugo paled at this "what does you mean sense how does bakubro come into this" because of the letter we found it stated that bakugo he was his main bully constantly tormenting him, suicide baiting him and even scarring him permanently" "that's not true right Bakub-go" "HE WAS A QUIRKLESS DEKU WHY DO YOU CARE HES WORSE THAN TRASH HOW DOES IT EVEN MATTER IF HE OFFED HIMSELF" the class looked shocked at this because they knew he had an attitude but not this bad "everything he said is true he bullied my brother and left him heavily scarred mentally and physically" "so Bakugo pack up your things and leave as of this moment you are officially no longer a student of UA you have no potential to be a hero but that's not the end of it your parents have been contacted and informed of your actions and you will be attending mandatory anger management therapy until you get it under control" "SEE IF I CARE I'LL JUST GO TO ANOTHER HERO SCHOOL" that's when I relied to him"you can try bakugo but being expelled from UA a couple weeks in will be a major turn off for major hero school so you'll be lucky if you can enter a lower one with all of our previous classmates you called shitty extras"

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