17. WE'RE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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we continue from the last time we left off

"well I have some urgent medical news, it has to do with you Izuku"  "what is it doctor is it bad" "well its can be both good or bad or both depending on how feel about it" this gets questioning looks from two

"the truth is you two are not really siblings, I thought I'd wait to tell you guys about it now because just imagine how worse it would have been if your parents found" "then w-which of us are the spawn of those god awful parents" "its Izumi Yagi" Izuku then cheers out in joy that he's not actually related to the Yagis while Izumi is saddened she is that and Izukus not really her brother but he'll still love her right (he does) "wait so if we're not really sibilings and  izuku isn't my brother who is izukus real family and who is my other blood relative because as far as I'm concerned Izuku will always be my one any only onii-chan" she says this while hugging his side tightly shoving her breasts into him 

"if you must know while we don't have any official blood tests done we highly suspect it to be ironihsot Igay he has the opposite of your quirk, super strength with minor telekinesis he also looks a lot like allmight in his younger days If only a bit more skeletal signifying he doesn't really work out just relies on his superstrength" "makes sense that a loser like him would come from such shitty genetics" "you know zumi you come from those genetics" she then started pouting at her not so brother anymore "meany" "i guess you got lucky and got all the beautiful one" "B-BAKA ONICHAAN don't say things like that" "aww is my little zumi a tsundere" "n-no baka" when she finished speaking he leant down a bit and kissed her she wanted to take it further  but the doctor coughed into his hand

"ahem" the two had the decency to blush but the doctor continued "alright with that I'll be leaving dabi and toga have just left on a date and tomura is out doing whatever he does with whoever he does it with he tells me jack shit so enjoy your alone time" and so the doctor left and left the news to truly sink in with the two and it hit them like a truck izuku was ecstatic that he was not actually committing incest Izumi didn't care but she did know that she could probably get away with more now though as he'll resist less.

"so what do you want to do now zuzu-nii" "I was thinking about going on a date with my lovely girlfriend" a dark aura then surrounded Izumi "who" she momentarily forgot that izuku had just kissed her thinking some hussy had taken him "you silly" and like that she went from murderous rage to a bashful blushing mess "so what do say my hime" "of course, I'd love to go out with you"  "let's go then" he said as he slapped her ass getting a mixture off an eep and a moan that he kept in mind for later

and so the two went out together just having some drinks at a cafe petting some cats killing a few people in an alleyway you know the typical things you enjoy on dates sadly the time came again when she had to the dorms but not before changing clothes and showering to get the smell of blood off of her and secretly hoping izuku would peak on her but sadly he didn't but it made her slightly happy that he respected her enough not to peak

she then proceeded to get changed into her pajamas she was exhausted from the day of the sports festival and the date she izuku came back into the room at the exact moment she wasn't wearing anything he himself just finished his shower in another room he stood there shocked and couldn't help but stare at Izumi for him she was an unparalleled beauty and seeing her like this he just froze this but soon Izumi realized there was someone at the door at first she was shocked but then she saw it was izuku and so she used this as a chance to get closer to her onii-chan

"you like what you see" he just nodded dumbly she walked up to him swaying her hips while doing so extenuating her features "well how about you show me how much you like them" she then dragged him to the bed, it was a good thing no one was at the base because for the rest of the night it was filled with moans and screams of pleasure throughout the entire night, no one got any sleep.

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