5. Plans for the Future

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should note where the blood is on his face would be where is blast scar is from bakugo, but hidden by a kakashi style mast of course

Tomura pov

"First things first we need villain code names for you, they're important for what you will be called by the public" Izuku then decided to speak "for me, I have been constantly been beaten down and burned multiple times and so I shall rise from that and become the Dark Pheonix" then Izumi was next "my family constantly abused me and my 'friends' kept me in constant fear of pain and so I shall become the very thing they caused me I will be Itami" "good, good names and now we should tell your our names, I will still go by shigiraki while sensei here is All for one" they looked worried at this information and Izuku started to panic"wait then its not safe for us to be here when we ran away I left a fake note in Izumis room that she had been kidnapped by all for one, I didn't expect to actually run into the guy" "calm down young Izuku I want to come up with a plan to counter this while young Tmoura explains his plans for the furture ""you two so now plans to take down hero society I was thinking we train and learn for now and then we attack UA and lower their faith in heroes but for that, we'll need an insider" the boy then spoke "I have an idea for to get an insider  but it will need Mr Shigirakis help" "call me sensei young one and what do you need" "okay my Plan is to somehow make a clone of Izumi to attend home life and school and while that's going on we train, the daughter of allmight should easily be able to get information by moving stuff with her telekinesis" "I think I can do that young Izuku although the problem is it will take a year to make a clone that can last 4 years, I do have cloning quirks but one for this magnitude will take time and with Allmight after me because he thinks I kidnapped Izumi its a race against time" "I just thought of a plan for that, we can constantly lead them on with dead ends for a year and when its done we let them stage a rescue operation but in reality they'll be rescuing a clone" I agreed with Izuku as it sounded like a good plan but the question was how we could delay them for that long but sensei said he would handle it as I apparently still had much to learn but then Izuku told us something that shocked me . "I think I should tell you about my quirk, you see I'm no longer quirkless I have a quirk it's called one for all " I was shocked because I didn't expect him to have it but rather his sister he was about to continue explaining the quirk when sensei cut him off "we don't need an explanation, as you see I created the quirk and have explained both of them too young Tomura" they both looked shocked at this, clearly assmight didn't explain the full history behind the quirk, of which then sensei explains it to them "you see long ago during the dawn of quirks a started to take control by taking quirks of others, those who didn't want them and I even gave out quirks and built up a large number of followers however my little brother didn't follow in my footsteps and thought what I was doing, keeping peace when constant riots were going on because of quirks, was wrong and didn't like that I was in control, I had to improson him, I then bestowed upon him a stockpiling quirk but little did I know he did have a quirk, a quirk that allowed him to pass his quirk down, on its own useless but combined with the stockpiling quirk I gave him, it created one for all which has been passed down from generation to generation of which it used to reside in all might and Izumi but now it belongs to you Izuku" the two eyes widend at the tale of one for all "that's not right, your brother shouldn't have tried to stop you, you were only trying to keep control and stop the riots, you were completely in the right" sensei chuckled at this and ruffled Izukus already messy hair, "that's right my boy, I'm glad you to share my sentiment, now i have a question to ask both of you, would you like to take my family name and become a shigiraki along with me and Tomura" both beemed at this, and I was shocked but happy at the same time "of course sensei we would love to" both said in since, which I had to admit was a little creepy, i hoped it wouldn't become a common occurrence, "welcome to the family kids, but more importantly, welcome to the league of villains, we have lots of  training to do if we want to get you both up to snuff"

the morning after all for one found Izuku and Izumi

Toshinori Pov

I haven't seen Izumi since last night, I knock on her door to try and wake her up but I get no response "Izumi sweety it's time to wake up for school" no response, "Izumi I'm coming in ok" I enter her room to see nothing, she's not there I look around and there I see a piece of paper laying on her bed I pick it up and see handwriting that isn't Izumis, I grow concerned as I set to read the note, 

If you are reading this then congratulations your daughter has been kidnapped Toshinori Yagi, or should I say allmight good luck finding her as I've had her since the evening of the 18th January XX50 (just a random date just 6 years before they attend UA I'm making up years here as MHA never really gave us any) I hoped you enjoyed your time with her while you could, good luck finding me. signed All for one

I was shocked, scared, and beyond furious, somehow he found out my Identity and took my child, he will pay.

i immediately go to Inko to tell her the news she becomes as panicked as me we both then put on our hero gear and immediately head to the police station to see my good friend Naomasa because while I'm furious I know I'll need help, all for one is not to be taken lightly, I burst into his room without knocking, I'll send money to fix the broken door later, "NAOMASA I NEED HELP" he immediately shot out of his chair in shock  and it was already evident on his face "Allmight, Telek what's wrong" "Izumi's been kidnapped" his eyes widened "who was it" "i-it was all for one" he then calms himself down and then starts to ask some questions so he can help us "any evidence left behind" "we have a note that he left" I hand him the note "I see going by the date its been a minimum of 8 hours but could range too twelve as its currently 8:00 currently so luckily we won't have to have an expansive search radius although, with that man we do not know, I'll mobolise as many people as I can to search within. you two go out and search any areas you think he might be in, I'll investigate Izumis room to see if by any small chance there were any clues left behind" "OK" we rushed off to do our assigned jobs as I tossed Naomasa a key to our house

3rd pov

Little did the foolish heroes know that everything was already falling into the plans of one Izuku Shigiraki, as know all for one was leaving fake evidence in Izumis room leading to completely different areas to the bar they were actually at in Kamino, having a teleportation quirk is always handy to have, it would be a year until they would be purposefully be found at a random location, they liked the bar, after all, wouldn't want to get it trashed.

as the heroes and villains were playing a game of cat and mouse, Tomura was overseeing the training of Izuku and Izumi to first and foremost get their speed and reaction speed up because what's the point of being strong if you can't even land a hit on your opponents

authors note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if there's any errors or inconsistnancies in the writing please do point it out, i forgot mid chapter that i had already given Izuku OFA so i had to do mental gymnastics to fix it by writing it differently but don't worry everything still going to plan 

if you enjoyed  it hit that star and comment what you liked about the chapter, comments are good for the wattpad algorithm, have  good day

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