21. aftermath 2 Tokyo drift

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A/N my college where I do my writing mostly has basically restricted Wattpad so most of my motivation for writing has been drained as I can't write where I think my most ideas but I'm on summer break now so hopefully I can upload more frequently  but no promises sorry

also since it's been a while I may be retconning a few things from the last chapter mainly when it comes to the students as there are parts I forgot to write in so that's why this is here to fill in what happened and what I might or might not have missed to write but I just didn't see it when skimming over

the media was in uproar at the reveal that once again UA had been attacked but not just that but 16 1-B students were killed the only ones who weren't were yotetsu awase, sen kaibara, togaru kamikriri and neito monoma but they have gone missing and presumably captured

two more 1a students were killed those being mashiroa ojiro and Mezo shoji and even more were captured those among the captured were. Hitoshi shinso, ochaco uraraka, Denki kaminari, shoto todoroki, momo yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro and Izumi Yagi they only ones that remained untouched and completely fine were to the heroes knowledge ejiro Kirishima, Toru hagakure, tsuyu asui, and ironihsot Igay

they even lost the entirety of the wild wild pussy cats and the child they looked after Kota Izumi which was a sizeable loss for the hero industry because of how they were well-respected rescue heroes

many people were calling for U.A to be shut down because of the large loss of life that was occurring and many families were left devastated that they could never see their children ever again, never see ttheirsmiles, never get to say I love you to there faces ever again, many tears were shed when the news was released

allmight was furious despite having a terrible relationship he still loved his daughter Izumi will all his heart just like he did his son izu something before he disappeared and so it was this that was in his heart and festered until he could get his hands on all for one again

U.A was almost shut down by the hero association but was stopped by one thing, the terrifying, satanic and all-around adorable dude nezu. he just had to much dirt on them that it would be a bigger hit to let that information be released than keep UA running but they reached a compromise that UA would no longer accept hero course students but all other classes were permitted thus making shiketsu high the top hero course in Japan overall at UA the mood couldn't be any lower, since everyone was medically cleared so everyone as resting in the dorms

only tsuyu, sato and Igay could be seen in the common rooms of the dorms just doing nothing, Igay wanted to go save the captured members but there was little he could do, he didn't have any leads to go off of and he couldn't just storm the place by himself that was just suicide speaking of which the teachers came to check on the students where going to check on the students but they smelled something horrible coming from torus room but when they entered they were horrified it was a corpse hanging from a noose was the visible only in death could she finally be seen from the smell and look it seemed she was dead for weeks but how was that possible they had seen here at the camp and the final exams but that's when they realised that she may not have been there which destroyed what little remained of their morale they had a dead student and they didn't even notice, but that's when the heard a crash from outside and ran to check it out but if they stayed a little longer they would have seen the note left by toru

it depicted how she just wished to be seen, but the only one who saw her tokoyami but when he died no one was there for her she was all alone no one taking the time to see the real her. not even in death was this dream realised as they just dashed out the room not paying much attention to her. no one knew her final thoughts but toru herself, the thoughts of her in the countryside on a break from hero work her head on tokoyamis shoulder her hand on her bulging stomach watching their daughter practice with her quirk invisible shadow but sadly that dream would never come to fruition

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