18. The Stains of our society

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before i begin i just want to say thank you so much for 4.6K reads I never thought this little story of mine would get so many reads so I would also like to personally thank all those who follow me so thank you: also a reminder to go check out geo zeros stories they are amazing to read also anything by @TheHinokami their stories are brilliant as well my personal favourite is the hero of courage fulcrum i dare you try not to cry at some parts














our story continues inside the bar for the league of villains kurogiri had just retrieved stain from Hosu city and Izuku and Izumi had returned moments prior and are now in their villain uniforms they were wearing clothes that complimented each other izuku in his mostly black attire, of a black blazer trousers tie and shoes with a white button up shirt along with his hairdye and red contact lenses in just in case they couldn't trust him izumi  was similar she as wearing a slim dress similar to that of mei terumi from naruto it did little to cover her shoulders up and went done with a slit on the left leg (I think its left anyway) she was wearing a carbon fiber mesh armour underneath covering her body were the dress failed to so she would still have as much protection as izuku does  and has many hidden knives lining the dress that she could use at a moments notice they walked through into the bar to see kurogiri arriving with stain

"ahh stain its so good to finally meet you" stain narrowed his eyes shigiraki was acting very different to what the media portrayed him as  he seemed more confident, mature, and cunning, "what do you want with me" "will that simple stain we want you to join us, join our cause, but let me introduce you to our members, the misty guy is kurogiri, the guy without the burns is dark phoenix next to him is itami" "pain huh that will be exactly what I'll inflict on you if you don't hurry up" "alright alright the next pair over there is dabi and toga I'm shigiraki and of course, we know all about you stain"

"get on with it why should i join you I'm doing fine on my own from what i see you're just a ragtag team of villains trying to cause chaos" "i have many things to say on that but lets start, what can we offer you, well no matter how skilled you may be you will be deemed a big enough threat to send in the big guns and eventually get captured and you wont be killed , you'll just be held in tarterus we can provide you back up and get you out of prison at any time also you have a permanent base you can rest in at any time and lay low plus a stable source of food money and a place too sleep when times get rough" "it sounds good but our ideals don't align you want to kill allmight the one true hero the only true hero out there the only one allowed to capture or kill me there is no way i can work for people that aim for his death"  the league membered had to hold back at snorting at his statements about allmight"well lets address all your problems shall we, we arent just some ragtag team, we are organised we train to better ourselves and society we don't aim to cause chaos, its just a product, we will break society down and rebuild it to be better you said it yourself you only see one true hero among thousands that kind of ratio isn't right we will get rid of heroes entirely and replace them with a police and militant forces with no income from the media they will be in it purely to save and we are organised we have our own legitimate businesses for income the league of villains is just a cover because we will use this to garner attention and get our message across and break the trust in heroes and when its all broken that is when we will come and take control" "yes but I'm still against killing allmight" "about that all might isn't the true hero you believe him to be" "BLASPHEMY" this is when dark phoenix and itami stepped forward and the former spoke "what if I told you that we are the children of allmight" "that's impossible if he really was you father then you wouldn't be villains" izumi tossed him a folder containing her blood results proving she was the daughter of allmight and then both procceeed to role up their sleeves revealing their many scars, "if allmight was a such a perfect hero then I guess you support child abuse and child neglect" "of course I don't" "but you support allmight so do you admit that allmight is just like the rest a fake" "fine you guys win I'm in" "well then lets get started with our plans then" with this everyone started to get more acquainted with stain

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