3.Torture/Training for Izumi

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authors note

my best attempt at making what Izumi will look like, blonde hair with green highlights along the end I DO NOT OWN THE IMAGE I JUST EDITED IT IN PHOTOSHOP

now to the story

Returning home from the hell that was school, Izumi was picked up by her parents while Izuku was left behind by his 'family' to walk the mile back to his house although over time this would have the unintended side effect of increasing his strength in his legs and his stamina

As Izumi walked through the door her long fluffy blonde with her green highlights shining in the light as her hair framed her face covering the symmetrical freckles on her face that make up a diamond shape she was looking happy but had a sad glint in her eyes as her parents once again forget her 'brother' so he wouldn't be home for another hour as he had to walk home. She was then brought out of her thoughts when her father decided to talk to her as he had something important to talk to her about, "Izumi I have something important to ask you" "what is it pappa" "I think it's time to start your hero training what do you think" "yes yes I want to train to be a hero as quickly as possible" Toshinori inwardly smirked at this as he was thinking of the training regiment to put her through then he spoke  "Izumi I believe I have the perfect plan for you, we'll need to get your body stronger so you can handle your stockpiling quirk and strengthen your mind so you can perfect you telekinesis" Izumi nodded to this not knowing that she just signed up to glorified torture with no way out, as they walked into the family gym, her father then had her do basic stretches first but then the training began.

it started light with just push-up, sit-ups, and light running but as time went on and on it got far more intensive and physical as her father started getting more and more into it, but thankfully he decided it was time to take a break but what he failed to mention that said break was instead training her telekinesis quirk as it wouldn't strain her body as much and so after downing half a water bottler he then had to do weight lifting but with her quirk which if overused can cause, nausea and headaches so after a 30-minute 'break' there was already lots of puke on the floor from being pushed too far but at least her mother would stop him from going further right, no she pushed her further and encouraged it when she had to watch Izumi and so after 3 hours of training it was now 7 PM (Japanese schools generally finish at around 3 and then time to get home and)and through rotating training Izumi it was now time for dinner then bed straight after, she wondered where Izuku was as she started to go into his room only to see him bandaging up his bloody arms (he isn't cutting, not yet anyway, I will give trigger warnings for that) "ZUKI-NII WHAT HAPPEND" "I ran into Bakugo and his friends and they bloodied up my arms and I had to wait till I got home as I couldn't get bandages anywhere else" Izumi picked up on the fact that he didn't call him Kaachan but she didn't push because she knew her brother was quite smart but izuku then grew concerned when hesaw the copious amount of bruises on her and she replied saying "oh dad started training me to be a hero but its really rough" she said as tears started building up in her eyes "it hurts so much, he just pushes me and pushed me and when he stops with the bodybuilding he makes me work on my quirk I can't take it this isn't the kind of training I want to do" as Izuku finished bandaging his arms and did the thing a big brother should do in this situation and he hugged his 'sister' and told her that it was going to be ok and he held a big bright smile on his face one that allmight would give to reassure people and Izumis tears stopped as she hugged her brother back but apologized that she couldn't sneak him any food because apparently their mother was making special food for her training and they were making sure she ate it all and Izuku replied saying it wasn't her fault and that he would figure something out and they once again fell asleep in each others arm comforting each other because that's all they had, it was them versus the odds against everyone else even their so called parents.

over the next years, Izumi would be given many tutors by her parents to 'strengthen her mind along with her body' while Izuku has had to self study and so both of them are always a couple of years ahead of the current curriculum but both still attend school and the physical training would only get worse and worse and so spit blood and puke were commonplace on the family gym as well as the smell of cheap bleach that had been used in an attempt to clean it up and by this point they are both 10 but despite Izumi hating her training she has taught Izuku everything she knew from hand to hand combat that was taught to her that she could use alongside her stockpiling quirk which would at its peak reach to 30% the strength of allmight and different work out techniques that weren't as brutal as the one her father taught her, however for 10-year-olds their bodied were littered with scars Izuku with many blast burns across his body and a few scars from where some of Bakugos goons had cut him Izumi too where she had gotten scars from her training, on time her father she needed training in how fight against weapons such as people who could turn their fingers into knives or just general swords and so she had built up some scars as well, it was not a pretty sight but soon the day was approaching that would change the course of history forever

Authors note

thank you once again for reading and if you liked it hit that little star icon apart from that have a good day

1080 words

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