22. more baby seals

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the morning was starting and those that were captured were rising peacefully with only a few knowing what is truly what is to come but there are some who remained unseen since the camp and who knows what fate has befallen them.

the raid was soon approaching the heroes were building up their forces to storm the bar they found and the warehouse that they believe hosts something relating to the league thanks to the information of one I.S they were really thankful to him as they would have a higher chance of getting the league bases and so they can't escape to others but this wouldn't be for another couple days

but now we see the league currently having breakfast in the bar with izuku currently cooking, Izumi is on the stool by the bar with kota on her lap who was cuddling into his mother's warmth while waiting for the food, izuku cooked him dinner last night so he was looking forward to the breakfast and the others were scattered around, ochaco was making out with Tomura, kyoka and momo were just chatting with shoto dabi and toga and spinner was fanboying over stain while the man himself sat silently in the corner being annoyed with spinner and twice was watching compress practice some of his magic and soon izuku was done and the league discussed upcoming things that the heroes were planning and so tomura spoke "so in a couple days the heroes will be raiding both our bases, its time to make our first big move the attacks on UA were just steeping stones, our informant that's in the police has informed us who is coming and which base is attacking, we've divided their forces thanks to izuku here giving them multiple locations to attack" "yes they just believe it is an annonomys tip that came from I.S they wouldn't think that it stood for izuku shigiraki haha" "so whats the plan boss" asked toga to shigiraki,  shigiraki then went on to explain his plan to the others and everyone was following along "so any questions or comments on the plan" asked tomura, toga raised her hand and bounced on her feet "yes himiko" "ooh boss boss are we really gonna have to sacrifice our bar I really liked this one" "no himiko we have both a fake bar and fake nomu warehouse set up in kamino, so anything else" they all just responded with evil grins and shook their heads and Izuku responded "lets do this" and so they moved to the bar in kamino and waited until the destined time would come.

it was time the heroes were gathering up to raid the two locations. allmight, endeavour, Kamui Woods, edgeshot, gran torino, Telek (inko if you forgot) and some other heroes were gearing up to raid the bar. others such as best jeanist, gang orca, mount lady and other heroes were gearing up to raid the warehouse which they suspected to be housing the nomus.

at the same time, this was going on there was a press conference happening at UA the first question to be asked was by a reporter with purple hair and blue skin "Because of UA 25 students have been killed and 10 have been kidnapped how will you take responsibility for your actions and inability to defend the students lives and not providing adequate security, in fact, how can you even call yourself a hero school at this point"

the UA staff had dark looks on their faces while being confronted with these facts but was slightly relieved that the recently discovered bodies of Toru and Kirishima weren't pinned on UA as it as they were supposedly caught in an unrelated event among others that had died in a fire that happened at an arcade that the two were at. aizawa ten responded to the question looking extremely depressed because of the loss of his students, Aizawa responded "We cannot even begin to apologize to the families of the lost students for our negligence we were complacent in the security we already had and when we upped it wasn't even enough to counter the villains and increasing policing around the area and reviewing internal security at this moment and we are also firing all might from our teaching staff.

Another reporter piped up, "And what would firing all might do surely taking away such a strong person would detract from your security" It was nezu who responded this time "If anything allmight is the largest security risk because the first attack only happened because allmight was teaching their goal is to kill allmight and so we became their target because we housed allmight and allmight wasted time before the usj incident and wasn't there to defend the students until many had died so we see him as to big of a risk and it's not worth keeping him around to defend the students. We can also no longer call ourselves a hero course as we are no longer allowed to run a hero course so the current first-year students will be the last accepted into the course however general, business and support courses will still be open and receive increased funding with the removal of the hero course."

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