14. Aftermath

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above is currently how many of 1A are left, just replace Izuku with Izumi and just add a young allmight lookalike named Ironihsot Igay

the mood inside the teacher's lounge of UA was a sombre one the clouds outside were grey with sounds of thunder sparking every so often with rain falling and drenching all that comes underneath it everyone couldn't muster a single smile they were crushed they had failed their students while the villains didn't kill allmight they succeeded in killing 4 regular and 1 expelled student all was silent no one knew how to start off, this meeting had been delayed because 13 and Aizawa were recovering but now there were stable enough to attend.

it was midnight he then broke the silence "so how bad were our losses" nezu then answered "4 students killed 3 by the villains but another was killed by one of our own" there were gasps amongst the teachers as they weren't expecting one student to kill another "we found Hanta sero encased in ice he had died just moments prior to us getting to him, I'm afraid it was young todoroki" Aizawa spoke what was on everyone's mind "what are we going to do this is pretty serious" "nothing I believe he has already faced sufficient punishment" "being?" "The loss of his limbs" "NEZU WE CANT JUST REMOVE A STUDENTS LIMBS BECAUSE THEY KILLED ANOTHER" "you misunderstand, he had severe frostbite on his right side that he refused to heat up using his left therefore they needed to be amputated, but there are more concerning issues with our other students"  "who are they" " Izumi Yagi denki kaminari, mashirou ojiro, these students have amassed kill counts of when they were fighting back, currently with all three seem to show no side effects from killing someone which means one of two things, either they don't know they killed people and just injured them, or they don't feel anything from killing others, although considering the circumstances of the event I believe it is the former, considering they don't know how to control their quirks to the best of their abilities as the villains in the rockslide area were in had deep cracks in the ground which means izumi slammed them to the ground to hard killing them on impact" this got nods from the teachers "I think we should have all students talk to midnight and houndog for therapy sessions to help them cope I if they accept the sessions although make sure to not mentioned  anyone killing people this might brake the students realising that they killed and not just incapacitate them" "agreed we don't need to add to their trauma" "okay now that we've agreed that the students will face no punishment and all will be asked to see houndog and midnight, lets go what other losses happened" more nods "houndog has forever lost all functionality in his nose, aizawas quirk is now very limited in time and allmight has been extremely weekend because of the defeat he suffered, the villains technically didn't achieve their goal of killing allmight we didn't exactly succeed either they definitely beat us this time, although how they knew the scheduling for UA is quite troubling" that's when present mic spoke up "does that mean there's a traitor within UA" "I would say its a high possibility, they most likely got to the plans when the media broke in" "(aizawa)how should we respond to this" "I'm afraid that there's not much we can do with such limited information however I do plan to increase our security heavily as to prevent any more break ins and increase the inhouse security to keep an eye on students and teachers who may try and get any more information and keep an eye on the students as well to make sure they're coping after a villain attack they've never been surrounded by so much death before" houndog proceeded to speak his mind on the matter "they'll definitely need counciling but we can't force them into it they have to come of their own volition or it won't be effective and they could be unwilling to talk" "okay lets end this meeting for now and plan out how we can effectively help out our students, the sports festivle should also be a good way to help them unwind" "agreed now if you will excuse me I have some much needed sleep to get to"

inside the 1-A dorms, for the students it was more empty than normal they were currently still missing 5 people 4 were dead and Todoroki was still in his hospital even then everyone was just locking themselves in their rooms they felt to sad to go out and take to the others, its a painful reminder of what they lost and they found ways to cope in their own rooms, Jiro just played music, Iida read books as did momo, Igay was working out trying to get stronger, others just found there way to cope, only 3 were not finding ways to cope, Izumi because she frankly didn't care, but both toru and Ochaco were just laying in their beds crying, unable to sleep, unable to do anything other than cry constantly having flashbacks to the events of the USJ, for toru it was the kiss she shared with tokoyami just as he rushed back into the fire to defeat all the villains chasing after them, his blood, his body after it was recovered she just couldn't bare it, she felt guilty if she had just been better if she was stronger if she had a better hero suit to regulate temperatures if she wasn't so useless she just couldn't help but cry and remember him, she was so glad that they shared the same feelings but when she saw his corpse she felt crushed she was so devastated how could she live on if the one she loved wasn't there with her, her mind was spiralling into darker and darker territories with no one there to stop or help her, next was Ochaco she just kept seeing bodies around her  fall to the ground, splat, blood comes from the bodies, they cover her face they cover her hands, she looked at their faces, their bodies, completely mangles and drenched in blood, bones sticking out from parts of their bodies she wanted to puke remembering the site but couldn't she felt so sick but couldn't do anything apart from lay in her bed wearing baggy loose fitting clothes reminiscing on the horrors that she caused, how could she, a hero cause all that damage and death, maybe she should quit jut go help her parents construction property no they wouldnt want her to do that she was so confused on what to do she just wanted a break and so she got up and dressed and looked at the time 12pm good thats enough time for a day out and so she started to head outside the dorms to head to the mall that would be a good place to clear her head but then something happened that she didnt want to happen, someone saw her, specifically Izumi although little did she know that Izumis plans were all coming togther, "hey Raka where you going" "it doesnt matter" "well then why dont you come with me by the looks of it you could use a break" "why" "well you look terrible and bags are starting to form under your eyes" "so" "come on lets go maybe we can get some makeup for you to cover them up" "but I can't afford that""don't worry I'll cover for you" "y-you don't have to " "my parents are quite rich so don't worry"

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