10. First day tests at UA and Dorms

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its the longest chapter so far, it's quite big so put on your seatbelts and enjoy the ride

UA the number 1 hero school in all of Japan it's trained many heroes that have gone on to dominate the top spots in the hero rankings and now it's time for Izumi and many others to attend this prodigious academy, and the students here will most likely change the world, for better or for worse, well it's too early to tell anyway.
Izumi pov
It's the morning of the day I have to go to UA I'd much rather be with zuzu but oh well I have a mission to accomplish, it's funny to think though mother and father still haven't noticed that Zuzu is missing, he even left a note in his room oh well time for UA today.
I make my way down to the kitchen to where my mother is preparing breakfast, "Izumi honey it's time for breakfast" "I know I'm right here mom" "ah good, hurry and eat up you don't want to be late for school now do you" "yes mother" after breakfast I start to head to UA wearing the official UA uniform and my favourite green converses I've always liked the colour green.

I now stand outside the front gates of UA and now this is my traitor academia, I walk into the building to find my classroom 1-A and the giant door blocking my way into the classroom, well someone is definitely compensating for something, although I can hear shouting coming from the door, Jesus how loud are they shouting, I walk into the door to hear the rest of the conversation, "GET YOUR FEET OF THE DESK THIS INSTANT IT'S DISRESPECTFUL TO THE UPPERCLASSMENEN WHO MADE THE DESK" "NOW WAY WHAT JUNIR HIGH DID YOU GO TO YOU SHITTY EXTRA" "I attended Somei private academy, my name is Tenya Iida" "SOMEI HUH SO YOU'RE A DAMN ELITE HUH LOOKS LIKE I'LL HAVE FUN CRUSHING YOU" "'crushing' that's cruel do you even aim to be a hero you sound more like a villain to me" "FUCK YOU SHITTY EXTRA" I roll my eyes at bakugos antics but then the boy turns and ntices me "Hello I'm from somei and my name is --" "I heard its iida right" "I'm Izumi yagi, nice to meet you but please call me Izumi" "Izumi you realised there was something more to the practical exams didn't you, I had no idea I misjudged you, I hate to admit it but you're better than me" "no I didn't I just did what any hero should do I didn't even know about the rescue points" "THAT FLUFFY HAIR, YOUR THE PRETTY LOOKING ONE, I'm Ochaco ururaka" "nice to meet you I'm Izumi Yagi but we need to sit down and be quiet as our teacher is waiting outside the door" and with that a go to my seat and sit down leaving everyone perplexed, "if your here to make friends then go somewhere else" a yellow catipillar seemed to worm its way into the room "this is the hero course" he started pulling out a juice box and drinking it "it took you eight seconds before you were quiet, time is limited you kids are not rational enough, except you with the blonde and green hair good job on settling down and noticing me, you need to have good awareness if you want to be a hero I'm surprised no one else with a hearing quirk noticed me" "I'm Shota aizawa your homeroom teacher Nice to meet you" "YOUR ERASERHEAD, YOUR SO COOL" I accidentally blurted out because he is the one hero that me and Izuku actually like because he does his job properly and doesn't bask in the media, although he looked very shocked that someone knew who he was and that he had a fan "yes now be quite and I know this is kind of sudden but put this on" he starts to pull a gym uniform out of the sleeping bag he had 'were does he even get that' "and go onto the field" everyone but me seemed stunned for a second as I have already grabbed my uniform and was out the door by the time everyone else seemed to scramble to grab their uniforms to get changed, by the time I made it to the field Aizawa was already their waiting for everyone else "wow, one minute to get changed it seems at least someone in this class is rational" by the time we finish our conversation everyone else seems to finish lining up outside the field "it took you all too long to get changed, you need to be quicker and more rational if you aim to be heroes, anyways we are now going to have a quirk apprehention test" he was talking but Ururaka suddenly says "what about the entrance ceremony, the orientation" "if you're gonna be a hero you don't have time for such trivial events UAs selling point is its very flexible approach that's also how teachers run their classes, you guys have been doing these since junior high right, physical fitness tests where ou weren't allowed to use your quirks, the country still uses averages from students not using their quirks its not rational the ministry of education is procrastinating, Izumi you finished at the top f the practical exam right in junior high what was your best result for softball throw" "69 meters" "then try doing it with your quirk, do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle" I step into the circle and decide how to do this, I decide to just launch it into the stratosphere with my telekinesis, and so when i let and through the ball I launch it into space with fast enough to escape the atmosphere leaving a trail of broken sound barriers aizawa then turns and shows my score and everyone shouts a shocked reply "INFINITY HOW STRONG ARE YOU", and then some girl with pink hair and yellow horns  says"whats this, it looks fun"  "''it looks fun huh' you have three years to become a hero, will you have an attitude like that the whole time, alright whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be expelled, we're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students, welcome to the UA hero course" aizawa finishes with a shit eating grin that splits his face "expulsion on the first day, that's not fair" ururaka complains, 'wake up sweety lives not fair' i think to myself "natural disasters, big accidents and selfish villains, calamities at times and places we cannot predict, Japan is covered in unfairness heroes are the ones who reverse the situation, if you wanted to hang out at Mickey D's after school, too bad for the next three years UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another go beyond. plus ultra, overcome it with all you've got" this pumps up all the other students but i frankly don't care and so the assesments finally start

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