4.all for one and one for all

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'''telekinetic message'''

It was just a normal day for the Yagi 'twins', Izuku gets neglected Izumi gets brutally trained in the morning, but hey at least her pain tolerance and strength is increasing, Izumi gets a special breakfast to encourage growth but today is the day that will cause the spark the will light the world aflame to then be reborn from the ashes.

Izuku left home to head fr school an hour earlier so he could get to school in time, he could get there much quicker but he hated being in that house, it was never his home nor would he ever consider it his home, constantly neglected, not a single picture of him anywhere despite the many pictures of Izumi on the walls of all the varying holidays her family has gone on, and just like clockwork when he gets close to school he thins 'great here comes Bakugo the future number 1 hero just fan-fucking-tastic, that's right he doesn't call him kaachan in his mind he only says it verbally to keep up appearances ' and so after his daily beating during which his face remained emotionless the whole time, for the past 4 years ever since he was 6 his face has been stuck in a stoic emotionless state only very rarely showing emotion, Izumi is the only one who can get him to show some sort of emotion but never in front of anything.

after some lessons in school, it is now break and Bakugo decided that he had to rain on that shitty dekus parade even more today cause once definitely isn't enough for that second-class citizen "OI deku whats up buddy" he said with mock kindness with heeps of malice hidden behind it which Izuku picked up on as he has become an expert on reading people and so to keep up appearances he put on a stutter "w-whats up kaachan" "well I was just wondering if you still think you can be a hero" "y-yeah I may not be a super famous hero but I want to save people" "well then I've got some advice for you, if you want to become a hero so bad go take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in the next life" something in Izuku broke that day as this day as it was the first time he was suicide baited and it is also what cemented the demise of many in the future, a stray tear went down Izukus eye which pleased Bakugo to no end as he finally got something out of Deku while Izumi just looked on horrified "Kaachan that was too far" "no it wasn't that shitty deku just needed to be reminded of his place in society" but Izumi knew how hurt Izuku was for him to shed a single tear with his mask of emotionlessness on and so she would have to try and find her brother later in the day because Bakugo and his goons held her back, it was then that Izuku started heading home missing the rest of school but no one would report it cause who cares it's just some quirkless nobody. 


Izuku pov

As I went to the bathroom connected to my room (we are quite rich so everyone has an ensuite) I made sure to grab an old knife that his mother was sure to not notice missing, heh kind of like me, I also grabbed some bandages from the first aid box as I then pulled out my knife in front of the mirror as their words continuously circulate within my mind






I started to place the knife near my wrists in hopes of shutting these voices up, 1 slice the blood trickles down my arm, it stings for a bit but then the warm sensation trickle down my arm calming my nerves, it's one of the few feelings of warmth that I can feel in this cold and dark world, 2 slices the voices start to quieten, 3 slices one by one the voices are leaving, 4 final slices everything is quiet and at peace, everything is gone and I am once again alone as I have been for most of my wretched life, I start to bandage up my arm, as  I glance over to the bin to see the collection of bloody bandages due to my own actions and my so-called 'friends, I then see that I'm out of bandages and groan, that's another week without food then, cause I know I'll have to by bandages with the little money I gain from working, since 'mother' dearest hasn't made me food in 6 years i have had to learn to by and cook my own food, the only issue being money so I am forced to go round neibourhoods going too see if anyone has any odd jobs I can do for money, luckily many people take sympathy on me and let me clean their house or babysit their kids, the latter pays better but it took my years just to get people to trust me with their kids so at least i earn a bit more now but not enough for a good supply of bandages and food and with my and my 'friends' habits I know i will need a lot of them, so it's worth buying them now.

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