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After the tragedy that was the trip to the quirk doctors yesterday, Izumi woke up pushing her long fluffy blonde hair out of her eyes to see her 'brother' still in her arms and then she started to feel sad cause she knows how excited her brother was to get a quirk but surely their best friend Kaachan will be there to help out, yeah he'll know how to cheer Izuku up, but no, he would make things worse, much worse and it is because of him that Japan will change as a whole, will it be a good thing or a bad thing, it's too early to tell. but before any of that, it's time for breakfast as she shook her brother awake and she had to admit he looked quite cute while he slept, shaking te thoughts and her brother he finally groaned and woke up while rubbing his eyes "what is it Zumi-nee", "wake up its breakfast time" she said in a bubbly tone throwing her arms up in the air in an exaggerated manner as they both get up and dressed they head downstairs to find only 3 plates of food laid out instead the usual four. Inko went up to her daughter and said "come on Izumi we made breakfast you've got to eat fast if you want to make it to school on time" Izumi looks at her brother worriedly and tries to reach out to him but her mother pulls her away, but then Izuku asks "Mommy is there any food for me" but gets totally Ignored by his 'mother', Izumi secretly stores half of her food for Izuku without letting her parents on as then she's driven to school but once again Izuku was left on time and barely got to class by the time the bell rang,

later in the playground

Bakugo spoke out "So ya damn nerds what quirks did you get, I bet they aren't as cool as mine", Izumi softly spoke out saying "I have an extremely powerful and versatile telekinesis quirk I can apparently make barriers and heal people if I train enough" "that's alright I guess but it's still lame in comparison to my cool explosion quirk, so what kind of lame quirk does deku have", Izumi seemed downhearted at the fact that Kaachan put down her quirk but then Izuku replied too bakugo "Kaachan don't be so mean Zumi-nees quirk is amazing and can save so many people although I'm quirkless" he mumbled the last part, "speak up nerd I can't hear you", "I'M QUIRKLESS, but I'm still gonna be a hero", Bakugo seemed shocked at this and then froze like his brain was rebooting at these new revolutions, "so the shitty deku thinks he can still be a hero without a quirk, HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN STAND IN THE SAME RING AS ME" Bakugo spat as he launched an explosion at Izukus face and while it may be weak as he's a four year old, it's still unrestrained and against another fellow four year old and so for izuku it felt like his face was set on fire and would surely leave a nasty scar and it was in that moment it set in both Izumi and Izuku a deep fear of Bakugo for their  remainder childhood, but it was also in this moment where Izumi fully unlocked an aspect of her quirk which was the telekinetic healing, as the bell rang and Bakugo went off she knealt down to Izuku who was on the ground as she felt her psychic energy transfer to her brothers face boosting his healing ability as his face healed from the 2nd degree burns as it felt much better but however it left a scar in the shape of an explosion over the left side of his face, Izuku was on the ground crying when a realisation hit him as he then started to speak his worries to his sister "Zumi-nee, I need to ask you something important" "anything Zuki-nii" "I want you to bully me along with Kaachan" "What no why would I ever do that your my 'brother' " "No not like I want you to play along with his act because I'm scared he'll scar you as well and I don't want that to happen, but you can always heal me a afterwards" mumble mumble mumble, "and you can even try to learn how to put up small barriers around me to minimize the damage" "okay nii-chan but, just know I won't like it nor will I mean anything I say" she says as she helps Izuku up from the floor as he starts to put as mask around his face to hid his scar so that no one made fun of it.

Inside of the preschool, Bakugo had just finished spreading rumours about Izukus quirklessness to further put him down to make sure he doesn't become a hero, how dare he have that idea. as the twins make their way into the classroom the class start to rip into Izuku for being quirkless and staying away from him and this would be a repeating schedule for many years to come, get bullied before school, get bullied in school, get bullied after but because of this Izuku has developed a pain tolerance comparable to no other and Izumi also became an expert in healing and putting up strong invisible barriers from helping Izuku but that's only from school the treatment at home was horrible for both twins rather than one as soon Izumis father would start to put her through, I mean training her, and while this was going on an evil supervillain was plotting behind the scenes and his plans would soon start soon but until then he had to start preparing a 9-year-old Tomura to one day take over his mission to control japan but to do that he would need allies and he found 2 kids that could one day make perfect allies for Tomura and they would be the best option to use against his arch-nemesis but until then he shall gather more quirks and raise tomura better than Allmight ever could his own kids

authors note

thank you so much for reading part 2 of my story and please remember 20 give it a star if you enjoyed it please leave suggestions if you have any apart from that have a good day

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