19. Camps and new a member

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it was a couple days before the camp and now the class was going to the all to go shopping everyone went their separate ways the girls grouped together and went to get clothes and bug spray ochaco not paying for anything of course by leaving it behind but then manipulating its gravity to follow her once she as out of sight  sato was on his own going to get some baking materials when he was approached from behind and someone grabbed his throat, "hello there" "what do you want" sato scrapped out "wong answer now don't do anything or I dust you" sato complied and went to an a section of the mall where no one was "now I'll say it again hello there" "you're that guy from the USJ" "again wrong answer" he then activated his quirk a turned sato to dust killing him shigiraki then brought out a small handheld hoover he brought along with him and got rid of the evidence he then left leaving 1a with only 12 living students when everyone met up sato was not to be seen which left them very concerned they looked until they had to go back to UA where they informed the teachers of satos missing status and they spent a few days looking for him but there was  nothing no evidence the security cameras were down for maintenance that day so they couldn't check those and there was no DNA left anywhere or witnesses who saw anything everyone was just minding their own business and so in the end he was listed as missing some people reported they heard sounds near the hoover store but admitted it could just be them testing out a product

it was with a heavy heart that lead to 1A going on their training trip everyone thought that all 13 UA students were on board the bus until they suddenly stopped and aizawa stopped to have them stretch their legs where they were then introduced to the wild wild pussy cats the class wasn't all that extatic to seem them although pixie bob did try to assault ojio for bringing up their age saying she's 18 at heart for then she yeeted all of them off of  a cliff after talking about making it to camp in there hours or the wouldn't get lunch although as she was falling Izumi was questioning about why a little kid was with them and why he looked so miserable but then decided fuck this and flew back to the bus and slowly landed on the roof

However, kaminari didn't land right and he broke both of his legs but luckily they set the bone straight again so it wouldn't grow back incorrectly and then snagged some branches and seros tape to make a splint so they had to kaminari back to camp as he couldn't walk and so gaining many injuries along the way they didn't make it until the next morning where they saw izumi eating breakfast with a kid sitting separately from the wwpc and aizawa the guys way longer than we thought" ochaco then shouted back clearly pissed off and very angry "ITS NOT OUR FAULT YOU THREW STUDENT SAFTEY OUT THE WINDOW WE HAD TO  CARRY KAMINARI THE WHOLE WAY HERE HE BROKE HIS LEGS YOU STUPID OLD HAGS" ochaco wasn't mad at the fact denki was injured no she was pissed at the time she spent in the forest and being thrown off of a cliff that tends to piss someone off there were also a couple of people with some injuries aswell from were the earth golems pixie bob sent after they hit a bit too hard but no one was as injured as kaminari who was lucky he landed on his legs not neck and since they didn't have recovery girl on hand so he'd be out of commission the entire camp and he couldn't risk circulating his electricity without risking perment damage to the nerves in his legs as they have been damaged b the break in his legs and coursing more electricity through them could damage them permanently

pixie bob was ready to murder ochaco for calling her a hag but felt guilty for injuring kaminari and the other students and aizawa let out a sigh he didn't expect the fall to injure denki, he blamed himself as he never really trained any of them in parkour or landing safely honestly he didn't know what he was thinking just throwing them off a cliff like that honestly they needed the training

as an apology, the pussy cats made breakfast for everyone while they also tended to Denki administering proper care for his legs  making sure they would heal properly, they all went through their own extensive training regiment after Izumi gave a demonstration with her quirk throwing a softball getting infinity undermining Aizawa's whole point that their quirks haven't improved which Izumi did on purpose if there was one thing she was grateful for having the embers of one for all it boosted her quirk permanently  even if she only ever used the telekenisis don't get her wrong she'd use her strength if necessary she just hated using it and was a last resort plus she preferred long range anyway and could enhance her strength with telekenisis by forming a barrier around her arm then releasing the telekinesis this wasn't directly increasing her strength but it emulated the force this is what she used in conjunction with lifting the ball with telekenisis and sending it to space

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