24. The Yakuza

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We cut back to the league and what they've been up to since the Kamino incident. When they had returned the whole group had partied all night as they had successfully killed All Might and broken the moral of the heroes.

The morning rituals went as normal but soon everyone gathered together to work out where to go next. It was decided that the should cease big activities for now and give it time for everything to settle and allow the public to come to terms with what happened, and as the heroes tried to recover their lost reputation they would then strike again, forcing any promises made to be better and to stop the league to break.

In the mean time it was decided that they'd be more covert, himiko would be sent to the hero licensing exam undercover as one of the hero students in order for her to try as get the blood of all the applicants. There were two reasons for this, one was for the doctor to be able to research the quirks of people with strong abilities and the other was for himiko to be able to impersonate anyone at any given moment.

This plan went off without a hitch and himiko was able to get a lot of blood, although she was able to get blood from the UA students, izuku had worked together with the doctor and Izumi in order to build little bug sized drones that could drain blood. They only had time to make a few but it was enough to get a decent amount of blood from all of the UA students while they were to focused on battle to notice. she also passed the exams with a great score, so the girl she impersonated should be thankful.

The next step was to build more connections to take control of the entirety of japans underground as well as finding strong people to join their cause. They had many people under them but not everyone was extremely strong like those part of the executives of the organisation.

Things seemed to be going well, when twice had met members of the yakuza so a formal date for a meeting had been decided on so they could meet with their leader.

In the time leading up to the meeting Izuku had done research into this yakuza group known as the Shie Hassakai. It turns out that their leader Overhaul was an extreme germaphobe so if things were to go well they decided to meet in a neutral location that wasn't under either sides control and izuku made sure to pick an extremely clean space. It was even a power play for them as they'd been the ones to pick the locations to meet.

There was one thing that concerned him however during his reconnaissance in the shie hassakai main base that he was able to find was an extremely guarded area that he wouldn't be able to get into without alerting anyone to his presence so he had to leave it for now, however he did leaver a marker on a nearby wall as well as various spots in the surrounding area outside the base so he could come back at some point when it wasn't as well guarded, although as he was leaving he swear he heard something that sounded like crying, yeah, he'd definitely have to come back later.

It was finally time for the anticipated yakuza meeting, it was restricted to 3 members from each side. In the LOV/LOR side the was izuku Izumi and Tomura, AFO having trusted them enough to be able to handle this on their own. They still needed experience, while they were good at recruiting individuals they had not yet worked with other groups it's all been internal and single recruitment. They haven't yet worked with any other groups just using their own might, but now it was time to spread their influence across more of japans underworld, they needed more than just all for one, and while his reputation alone was terrifying they needed a group power to spread so they can take control more easily and eventually sway normal people to their side not just those scorned by society or part of the criminal underworld.

All dressed up in formal attire izuku and tenko in suits matching their senses, Izumi was in a black girl fitting dress with a slit on the side to allow for ease of movement

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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