23. The Test

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it was all falling apart, no one knew what to do, all might and best jeanist was dead, mt lady was unconscious, the 1B students and the pussy cats were made into nomus, and the present 1A students have become traitors, no one saw this coming, it was never meant to be this way.

inko was kneeling on the floor bawling her eyes out and unable to move her babies were villains evil villains that had killed her husband, her love. how could things have gone so wrong, why did she have to treat them the way she did? She should have just focused on loving and raising them, nothing else but now it is all falling apart.

izuku then spoke up  to the crowd of heroes who had arrived from the other location "Well I do believe it is time to wrap this up don't you think and since you all entertained me so much I feel like giving you a consolation prize"  he then picked up shinso by the throat and threw him next to inko "here have shinso I think he's an apt reward don't you think, although we'll be taking kaminari, having someone who produces electricity is too good to pass up when you want to live off the grid, so everybody lets get going, tata now, and endeavor congratulations on becoming the number one hero, I hope your reign isn't too short hahaha, let's go guys" kurogiri then opened up a portal with forced quirk activation and the league escape to their actual base leaving the heroes to mourn their losses and all they had for it was one student compared to the losses of all the heroes and students turned traitor and further investigation into the bases showed they were fake as well so all of this was for nothing they lost allmight, best jeanist and Mt Lady lost her quirk.

and so everyone had to move on, a funeral was held for all who fell during the Kamino incident and a bigger one was held for all might, led by Inko. Later endeavor was named the number one hero where he pledged to take down the league and while he may not be able to take all mights place he will step up and keep people safe.

The students were prepping for their provisional license exam by creating new super moves Igay came up with many moves that mimicked all might paying homage to him, shinso came up with moves by shouting out and taking control of multiple people at once, tsuyu worked on strengthening her stomach acid and taking on attributes of different frogs such as a golden poison frog.

they got much longer training sessions because there was now only one class, but they also pushed themselves harder so that they wouldn't have to face any more loss, Igay was training the hardest because he looked up to all might so he wanted to avenge his death and rescue his friend because he knew that Denki was the only one who didn't turn traitor that was still with the league so he'd get his provisional license and bring down the league. they also got improvements to their costumes where needed such as Shinso getting more weapons than just the capture scarf such as knives and caltrops similar to Aizawa. tsu got iron soles to make her kicks have more impact and Igay got a stronger material for his suit so he could take more hits, he couldn't get any major support gear as it would just break under his strength as his full strength was equal to that of allmight.

it was time for the exam and the students got a small minibus as Aizawa drove them to the test center they were rilling themselves up for the test when Aizawa spoke to them "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses then you novice eggs will become chicks, you'll hatch into semi-pros do your best and go pass that test for your classmates who couldn't make it here don't do it just for yourself do it for everyone who fell along the way" igay pumped the other two up " yes let's do this we've worked hard and well avenge our friends lets do this PLUS" "ULTRA" some random dude intervened in the chant "you shouldn't barge in on other people huddles, inasa" oh no I... AM ... VERY... EXTREMELY... SORRY!" he then bowed so hard he slammed his head onto the floor making it bleed igay responded "you don't need to apologize so hard although I'm liking the enthusiasm" "I WANTED TO TRY SAYING IT JUST ONCE! PLUS ULTRA, I LOVE UA I AM EXTREMELY HONORED TO BE ABLE TO COMPETE AGAINST U.A STUDENTS! IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT" the girl that was behind him commented on his bleeding head as they walked off to the test centre " inasa yoarashi" tsu asked him "sensei do you know him" "he's strong, last year the same as you guys, yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason he turned down his acceptance although looking at it i guess it worked out from there uh, keep an eye out for him " "eraser? it's you isn't it eraser?" he then recoiled back in a bit of fear as he sighed "I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival but it's been a while since I've seen you in person" his yue was twitching at this point although he was surprised when she hugged him and whispered in his ear "I'm really sorry for what happened to you students if you ever need to talk or need anything at all I'm here for you you don't need to be tough all the time even the strongest walls need support at some times" he smiled and hugged her back "thanks emi" as she stepped back she then boldly asked him "let's get married" he smiled and decided to give a serious answer because with all this death going around and how useful his quirk is to the heroes he's not sure how long he will last"sure" "no? good on! hahaha... ha.. ha" She then realized what he said and started to blush and stepped back "Are... are... are you serious" "Yes" she then squealed as she jumped on him wrapping her limbs around him as she kissed him, after it ended she put her forehead to his and whispered "I love you" the scene was a bit awkward for the students but just waited for it to finish as she finally got off of him "since you're here, that means..." "that's right "come hear everyone it's UA" 

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