7.Training and the start of the UA entrance exams

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2 weeks after Allmights battle with All for one he was finally allowed to have visitors Inko and Zumi went in to see him and were horrified at the scene they witnessed, he still wasn't in any condition to continue hero work, he was covered in bandages with an IV going into his arm.

"Zumi, Inko I'm so glad to see you" Zumi still keeping up a mask of caring for her family (I should explain the clone, it is basically an exact clone of Izumi with memories and attitudes and would act how she would with all memories from Izumi and so she knows her purpose of to pretend to be the real until  the UA entrance exam which is would when the real one would replace it and take the exams and return home for the time being) "Dad are you ok" "I have a fucking hole in my chest" 'It's funny how he's still talking I could have sworn all for one hit a lung' all might then coughed up blood 'ah there it is'

This earned him a make from Inko for swearing in front of their 'innocent' daughter this earned a chuckle from Toshinori lightening the mood as it seems to be doing slightly better than what he had been doing, but he still insisted on being a hero much to the displeasure of his now-former sidekick because he couldn't agree to work alongside allmight although he didn't disapprove Izumi being his successor he would still later go on to train Mirio after seeing the potential in him, everyone (apart from allmight) then left the hospital to go home to live out their normal lives until toshinori returns home then the gruelling training that he would put Izumi through would begin again, luckily all for one thought ahead and had the doctor replicate some minor strength enhancer quirks and have it to the clone, not enough to make a difference but enough to make it seem like Zumi is still growing at a good enough pace to keep the Allmight satisfied with his daughter's growth, but they now had 4 years until the UA entrance Exam and so the training allmight puts Zumi through will only get worse but luckily the progress can still be transferred to Izumi which basically means she gets extra training without having to do anything herself and so the training with All for one begins with Izuku, Izumi and Shigiraki, it never hurts to have the core members be strong

year 1

To start off all for one started training them physically, push-ups, sit-ups, and a whole lot of juice.

While pushing them hard he never pushed them too hard to where it would seem torture, no he made the perfect training regime tailored to each member this way each could maximize the fruits of their training.

Izuku focused more on strength and speed, while he would be more of a background fighter more working in the shadows and plotting strategies he still needed to keep up so no one would doubt his abilities and he needed a strong body to be able to handle the full power of one for all,

Izumi  mainly focused on her endurance, as she mainly relied on her telekinesis to fight she focused on her endurance so incase someone come up close she could tank hits and get them away but that isn't to say strength and speed were neglected, no they were improved drastically but not as much as her endurance and stamina

Tomura mainly focused on his speed, as he didn't need to be strong to take down his enemies, he just needed to be quick to get up close and grab his enemies and let them rot away unable to fight, but something also changed within him, having Izuku and Izumi around meant that he matured much faster and was no longer the man child he once was

year 2

during the second year, they focused on their quirks working to improve them and give them a leg up in comparison to the competition

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