Chapter Forty-Six

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Melody POV

As much as I wanted to be alone with Alex, I got excited when he invited a bunch of our friends back to the hotel for a party. It was because of me that the dance was derailed. Sure, you can say the real cause was the psycho who's been trying to kill me, but right smack dab in the middle of it is yours truly. Alex is wonderful. He'll do anything to make me happy.

Which is why I feel like the worst person in the world whenever I have traitorous thoughts about Ben. He'd looked so handsome tonight in his black suit and tie. He appeared... taller and somehow his shoulders were broader. I don't know. Dude can kill a suit. What is it about English guys and suits? Harry always looked weird when he put on "regular guy" clothes. I grew up associating my father with suits. Jesus, is that why guys in suits turn me on? That's something I'd have to discuss with my therapist, if I ever get around to finding one. I should ask Nancy to—

"Hey, cricket, what's with the face?" Alex asks with a concerned frown

We're in the lift on our way up to the top floor. My friends are being goofy, tickling each other and making dumb jokes. Fun teenage stuff. I pull my mobile out of the secret pocket of my gown—bless you, genius fashion designer who decided to put pockets on fancy gowns—and check if I have any messages from my stepmother. Nancy is a worrywart and a total neurotic mother-hen who tends to text me and call me even when she's out and about with her friends because she feels guilty about going out or something, the weirdo. Harry's been dead for seven years, bitch. It's okay! Live your life! Stop being a martyr.

I look at Alex. "Nancy hasn't called."

The elevator dings and the doors slide open, so my friends rush forward like eager cows escaping a pen. I step out with Alex guiding me with his hand at the bottom of my spine.

"Maybe she's getting busy, cricket." He shrugs. "It's been years since Nancy cracked the treasure chest open for someone. Give her a break."

I make a face and smack his arm. "That's disgusting. That's my mother figure you're talking about. Like Kenmore is even capable of giving her an O-face. I'm convinced he's an android." I frown at my phone. My shoulder is sore from the stupid "accident" and I really just want to sit down somewhere and watch my friends have a good time, but first I gotta make sure Nancy is all right. I have a weird feeling. I pull up her number and call her. Man, if she's getting busy, I hope she doesn't pick up.

The phone rings four times before her voice mail picks up. "Hey Nance, it's your boo. I'm at the hotel with Alex and I'm about to get into an orgy, so I just thought you might want to know. Don't worry, we have a drum's worth of lube. I hope you're having fun. Give me a call as soon as you get this. Why didn't you say goodbye before taking off, you trollop?"

I slip my phone back into my pocket and lean into my boyfriend who kisses the top of my head and rubs my back. "Everything's fine, cricket. She's a grown-up. And didn't you tell me she's a black belt in Tae Kwon Do? She'll be just fine."

I nod and follow Alex with our friends tailing us on a short walk down the hall to a pair of massive doors. He opens them with a key card and enters, stepping aside to let us in.

"Holy shitsnacks!" says Steve Mason. "Damn, Chambers, I knew you were rich, but I didn't know you were mountains of cocaine and ten-thousand-dollars-a-night-strippers rich!" He goes inside and spreads his arms, whirling around like he's Maria in the "Sound of Music."

"Baller!" Lottie slaps Alex's hand in a high-five. "How big is this penthouse?"

"I forget. Seven thousand square feet, I think? It's basically half the entire floor." He shrugs. "Whatever, it's party central now." He pulls his mobile out of the inside pocket of his tuxedo and streams music into speakers I couldn't even see. The suite comes alive with hip-hop and Nicki Minaj.

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