Chapter Twenty Nine (FULL)

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The old man squeezes my hand firmly, threatens me, and tells me he’ll see me inside before going into the Plum house, carrying a plastic bag from Bev-Mo. Probably his wife’s Pinot-Grigio. And he just flicked his ciggy on the street without putting it out. Wanker. And a bloody litterer.

I finish my own fag and pinch it dead before sticking it into my trouser pocket. I also stomp on Davenport’s ciggy and pocket it. I cannot abide littering. It’s just a pet peeve of mine. My parents tell me I was a neat-freak even as a boy and got upset with my classmates, who didn’t properly clean up after themselves.

If Melody were a bit of a slob, I think I’d be okay with it. I’d clean up her mess, too. She thought I was joking when I told her this, but I’m really not.

I scrape my shoes on the outdoor mat before entering the Plum home. The security alarm over the door beeps twice to indicate the door is open. Once I close it, it will beep again, just once this time. I studied their security alarm system the first time I came over and downloaded the schematics online. I want to know how it all works, so I would know if someone ever messes with it. I also derived access to their security cameras. Melody thinks I’m super paranoid, but I told Nancy I’d take care of her, and that’s precisely what I’m doing.

The Davenports are sitting in the living room with Nancy having cocktails and snacking on appetizers that Mrs. D brought with her, but Melody is in her bedroom. She told Nancy she’s going to finish up her homework before dinner.

I wave hello at the Davenports before heading down the corridor that leads to the den, then the hallway where the bedrooms are.

I duck into the bathroom before Melody’s bedroom and gargle mouthwash for a full minute before going to see her. I didn’t want her to smell the cigarette on my breath. I take off my blazer and put it over my arm before entering her bedroom.

“Hey, babes.” I drop a kiss on top of her head.

She’s got her head down in concentration over her Maths book, working on her Differential Equations homework. I told her I’d help her because I’d already finished mine, but she told me to bugger off. She could do her own damn homework, thank you very much.

I toss my blazer on her bed, toe off my shoes, and lie down in the middle of it, closing my eyes. Melody has a really comfortable bed.

I pick up Mr. Binks and bring him up to my nose to smell. He has Melody’s baby powder and cucumber lotion scent, but also a bit of old drool. I make a face and set him back down. In not too long, I feel the side of the bed depress as my girlfriend joins me and burrows into my side, laying her head on my chest.

“All done?” I ask, kissing her forehead.

“Mmm-hmm.” She undoes a couple of buttons of my shirt and slips her hand inside. I’m wearing an undershirt, but it’s a thinner material. She flattens her palm on my abdomen. “Wanna make out?” She tips her head up to nuzzle my jaw.

Melody never plays fair. The hand on my stomach descends toward my crotch and the bulge tenting the front of my navy-blue trousers. Her questing fingers find the tab of my zipper and pull it down.

I peek at her through the veil of my eyelashes. “Mel, your bedroom door is wide open. I don’t want Nancy to walk in here to catch you with your hands down my pants. She might chop my dick off.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure, Chambers?” Giggling, she nuzzled the back of my ear before easing her hand out of my fly and hopping off the bed. “It would be a shame if Nancy cut off your peepee. I’m rather fond of it.”

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