Chapter Fifty-One

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My mobile rang as I was fetching coffee for me and Ben from the cafeteria and I pulled it out of my pocket. It wasn’t a number I recognized. I don’t typically answer these because they turn out to be spam calls most of the time, but what if it was Melody calling or Melody’s kidnapper? Oh God.

“Hello?” I said after a moment’s hesitation.

“Is that Waverly Davenport?” asked an unfamiliar male voice with a hint of a Cambridge accent.

“Yes, it is.” My fingers tightened around my mobile. “Who is this?”

“My name is Lucien Song. Meredith Zhang was my half-sister. Harry’s Aunt Sylvia gave me your contact information. I want to get in touch with my niece Melody, but Professor Plum suggested I contact you or your husband first.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “I wasn’t aware Meredith had any siblings. Mr. Song, why are you calling me at three in the morning?”

He muttered something that sounded like a curse word. “It’s Dr. Song, actually. I apologize, Mrs. Davenport. I’m calling from Switzerland, where I’ve been living for the past eighteen years. I tend to lose track of time because I’m so busy with my work that I never consider—forgive me for babbling. I must have overwhelmed you. I’ll call again in a few hours.”

“Wait!” I had to sit down as my knees could no longer hold me up. “Meredith and I were very close friends and she never mentioned having a brother.”

“Half-brother,” he reiterated. “We had different mothers and didn’t grow up together. I’m sorry that you’re hearing from me just now. I only recently learned that I have a niece.”

I couldn’t readily believe that this man was telling the truth. He could be one of Melody’s kidnappers, for all I knew. “Why reach out now, Dr. Song?”

“My mother died recently, but before she passed, she told me I have a niece who lives in California. I believed my mother was all I had in terms of remaining blood relatives. She told me Harry and Meredith had a daughter.”

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “I hope you’re aware that both Harry and Meredith have passed on?” I really didn’t want to have to inform someone his long-lost sister is dead.

He sighed. “Yes. I wasn’t aware Harry had died until his aunt told me when I called her asking for his contact information.”

“How did you know to contact Harry’s aunt?”

“She was my professor at uni. My mother didn’t have Harry’s contact information, so I figured his aunt would.”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see the gesture. Pinpricks in my limbs partially brought me out of my shock. “Dr. Song, I am sorry to tell you this, but Melody has been kidnapped and we have no—”

“Kidnapped?” he repeated with a sharp intake of breath. “And her step-mother, Nancy? Is she all right?”

I bit my lower lip as I contemplated how much to tell this stranger. I haven’t even confirmed his identity. “We haven’t been able to contact her. She’s been missing since last evening.”

“She’s missing as well? Interesting.”

I didn’t like the contemplative way this man said that. He didn’t even know us. “Dr. Song, I don’t know if you are who you say you are. I’m afraid I cannot tell you anymore.”

“Mrs. Davenport—”

“It’s Dr. Davenport, actually,” I bit off, irritated at myself for revealing to this stranger what I already have. “Now I really must go—”

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