Chapter Sixty-One

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I was finally safe and back with Alex, whom I had missed more than anything. He was sitting next to me and had his arm around my shoulder. He had saved my life and I was never going to forget it.

Mrs. D told me he had succeeded where the police had failed. He sent a team out to look for me nonstop until they found me. Mrs. D also hugged me and told me I stink before ruffling my hair.

“You had us worried, poppet,” she said with red-rimmed  eyes. “Charlie and Lottie were beside themselves. They couldn't eat or sleep.” She looked up at Alex. “Thank you again, Mr. Chambers.”

“Melody means more to me than anyone,” he said solemnly, tightening his arm around me. “I will always come for her.”

Mrs. D’s eyes rounded at Alex’s words, but she didn't say anything in response.

“How’s Nancy, Auntie Wave?” I hadn't been allowed to see her as she was in intensive care and I was injured myself.

“It’s bad, Melody, I'm not going to lie to you,” she said, taking my hand. “She has several broken bones and a minor skull fracture.”

I covered my face and cried. Nancy was like a mother to me. I couldn’t imagine a life without her. If she died, I would no longer have family. It had always been me and Nancy.

“Melody,”  said Mrs. D. “There is someone you must meet.”

I was instantly cautious. Can you blame me? The girl whom I thought was my best friend gassed me, then kidnapped me. I was finding it hard to trust anyone. “Who?”

“I'll go get him.” Mrs. D left the room.

“His name is Lucien Song,” Alex told me. “He's your mother’s younger brother.”

“Wait, what?” Shock made my jaw drop. “I have an uncle?”

Before Alex could answer, Mrs. D came back with a tall, lean Asian guy in all black who resembled my mother. If my mother had been a man, she would have looked like him. There was no way he wasn’t related to me. I couldn't stop staring at him.

“Melody,” said Mrs. D. “This is Lucien Song, your uncle.” She patted his shoulder.

“Hello, Melody.” He extended his hand to me. “It's great to finally meet you.”

He spoke in an even, measured tone. He sounded like a college professor. “Hello.” I gingerly shook his hand. Why did it take him so long to show up in my life? “Why are you here?”

Alex was watching him quietly. I could feel the tension radiating from his body. He didn’t trust this man; I didn't trust him either. There was something… cold about him.

“I only recently learned of your existence,” said my uncle. “Before my mother passed, she revealed that my half-sister Meredith had a daughter. I came to find you as soon as I could.”

There was something about this guy that reminded me of a shark: sleek, mysterious, and dark. He also looked like one of Voldemort’s minions; Draco Malfoy’s dad’s college roommate. “What do you want from me?”

“Melody!” said Aunt Waverly, the headmistress, in admonishment.

I tried not to squirm under her disapproving gaze. “Sorry,” I mumbled, apologizing to her and not to my uncle.

“The doctors said Nancy will be in the hospital for a while. She's in a coma and they don't know when she will wake up,” Aunt Waverly said with tears forming in her eyes. “Your Uncle Lucien has volunteered to stay with you at your house and watch over you until Nancy is back on her feet.”

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