Chapter Seventeen

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I think I fell asleep in Ben's car while he was driving. I was just so emotionally exhausted that as soon as I entered the safety of his Escalade, my body gave way to fatigue and I just melted onto the seat. I trusted Ben to get me home. I have always trusted Ben. He's going to find this maniac and stop him once and for all. I know he will.

I trust him.

After Alex and I spoke to Mrs. Davenport, she said I could go home for the day so I could have some "self-care time." Alex offered to drive me home, but I declined both. I didn't like the "You poor baby" look Mrs. Davenport was giving me, and Alex was getting overly solicitous. I just wanted them to leave me alone.

Mrs. D said she got maintenance to take care of my locker right away. Then she wrote us late passes for our second period class, which is American Literature taught by Mrs. Crandall. Alex and I have two classes together. The other one is Differential Equations, which is A.P. Math. They are also the classes that Charlie and I have in common.

On our way there, Alex automatically took my bag from me and I allowed him. If he wants to carry my stuff, that's on him. He was the idiot with two backpacks, one of them a Sanrio.

"How are you, really?" he asked, ducking down to peer at my face.

I gave him a side-eye. "How many times are you going to ask that, Chambers?"

He put his hand on my shoulder, stopping our walk. "As many times as it takes for you to tell me the truth."

I glared at him. "What truth are you even talking about? You want me to tell you I'm scared? Terrified? Paranoid as fuck? I am all of those things."

"Let's sit here." He took my elbow firmly and pulled me to the circular bench that surrounds a cherry tree. He parked his tight, round bum down and looked up at me expectantly. "Well?"

I propped my hands on my hips and attempted to intimidate him with my scowl. He only smiled at me. "We're supposed to head straight to class, Chambers."

A gleam I recognized as wickedness appeared in his whiskey-colored eyes, and dimples popped up to bracket his pretty-boy mouth. "Do you always follow the rules, Melody Plum?"

My suspicion mode bypassed caution and went straight to red alert. "Aren't you supposed to, Mr. Perfect Prefect? If Mrs. D is the sheriff, you're the deputy, my lad."

He chuckled. "Are you trying to copy my accent? You overshot a bit and landed in Belfast."

I told myself that punching someone in the face would probably result in a suspension, which I could not afford to have on my permanent record. Not if I want to go to Cambridge. It's funny, but I've never had a powerful urge to punch someone in the face until Alex started lurking around me. "Aren't you trying to endear yourself to me so I'd agree to be your girlfriend?"

His wicked eyes sparkled with laughter. "Absolutely. It is my heart's desire. How am I doing?"

Ugh, I hate how charming he is. And I hate that I can't hate him. "Oh, you're aces, tiger. I'm halfway in love with you already."

He clapped his hands once and rubbed his palms together quickly. "Hah, I knew it. Alex, old sod, you've still got it."

I rolled my eyes. Is he like this with everyone? I doubt it. He wouldn't have developed a reputation for being cool, quiet, and unflappable if he were such a goober all the time. This must be a special treat for me. "Come on, Chambers, let's get to class."

He didn't get up from the bench. Instead, he patted the spot next to him. "Hang on a minute, let's talk. Miss Plum, someone broke into your locker, invaded your privacy, and insinuated a nasty thing about you. I would think you'd be more upset."

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