Chapter Fifty-Nine

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“Why haven't you found her yet?” I demanded from Anton Vilych, the chief of security of my mother’s bodyguard detail.

The big Russian lowered his head in humility, taking off his hat. “I apologize, Mr. Chambers. We’re currently looking at warehouses in Inglewood and we’re positive we’ll find her soon.”

“What’s soon?” I growled. She’d been missing for four days and that fuckin loon Violet was nowhere to be found. I fantasized about staking her to an ant hill and removing her eyes and lying tongue. She dared to hurt Melody, so she deserved to be punished. No one was allowed to hurt Melody.

“We received intel that a warehouse in Compton was rented under the name Susie Palmer, who is the aunt of Violet Rogers. We’re just confirming a couple of things before I send men out there to fetch Ms. Plum.”

I stubbed my cigarette. We were standing on the patio of my condo, and I’d already smoked half a pack. I started smoking when I was fifteen but quit because I didn’t think Melody would like it. She told me her father Harry smoked a lot, so I had to cut the habit. I would never do anything to displease Melody.

“I’m going with you,” I told Anton, who gave me a pained look.

“Sir, I don’t think your mother would be very happy—”

“It’ll be fine as long as you don’t tell her,” I said dismissively, shaking another cigarette out of the pack and putting it between my lips. Anton immediately touched a lighter to the tip. “I have a third-degree black belt in Kenpo and Krav Maga. I trained in Systema for several years. I think I’ll be all right.”

Anton, who was the toughest motherfucker I’d ever met, was scared of my mother, the granddaughter of the leader of the biggest faction of the Russian Brotherhood. Out of respect for her, Anton didn’t throw me out of the window when I was being a little shit. “Sir, I—”

“I’m going, Anton,” I insisted, clenching my teeth. I'd been away from Melody for too long. I was having withdrawal symptoms. I needed my Melody Plum to stay sane. She could be tied up in a warehouse somewhere, cold and freezing, hungry and thirsty. I couldn’t imagine how scared she must be.

“All right, sir. As soon as we get confirmation of Ms. Plum’s location, we will go and fetch her.”

After Anton left, I called Davenport to apprise him of the plans. He wanted to go as well but I told him my mother’s security detail would locate Melody and bring her back. He suggested I call the cops. I didn’t think it was a good idea because there could be some kind of shootout and Melody could get caught in the crossfire.

“Mr. Chambers, this isn’t a game. You should let the police handle this. You are a young private citizen. The police are especially trained to manage situations like this.”

“Mr. Davenport,” I wasn’t going to call him doctor just because he had a PhD, “the police had already done their precious best. They didn’t find Melody within twenty-four hours. My team only launch their investigation yesterday and they’ve already located Melody Plum.”

“Mr. Chambers—”
“I only told you as a courtesy, Mr. Davenport. You can inform the police if you want, but we will execute the retrieval of Ms. Plum within the hour. Please give Mrs. Plum my regards.” I hung up the phone.

It was only a moment after I ended my call with Davenport when my mother called. “Yes, Mum?”

“Don’t you ‘yes, Mum’ me. What’s this I hear about you rushing over like some gung-ho cowboy to rescue Melody Plum? Are you mad?"

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