Chapter Sixty

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I had her in my arms and she was safe. She smelled a little rank, frankly, but that was understandable. She was confined in God knows what kind of situation for three days. She was sobbing and it sounded like misery, relief, and exhaustion.

“It's okay, bug, it’s okay.” I kissed the top of her head. I used to call her ladybug when she was a child. I stroked her back and she gradually settled into my arms. “It’s going to be all right.”

She pulled away from me and rubbed her eyes with the side of her fist. “Where’s Nancy?

Chambers and I exchanged a look. The kid looked murderous enough to rip my head off, but he gave me a brief nod. “Nancy was injured. She's in the hospital right now. Mrs. D is watching her.” Since both of the twins were up on their feet, they were finally discharged and my wife could look after her.

Melody’s mouth dropped in dismay. “Nancy was hurt?” She clamped her hand over the lower part of her face. “I have to go to her right away.”

I didn't answer her immediately.

“What’s wrong with Nancy?” she   demanded as her dark eyes flashed with tears that were yet to come. “What happened to her?”

“She was…” I started to say.

“She had an accident,” Alex Chambers smoothly cut in. “She’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry about her right now.” He took her arm and pulled her back to him.

As much as I wanted to deck the little fucker, there were too many witnesses and I didn’t want to be in a scuffle with a 17-year-old.

They looked good together. Chambers was tall and picture-perfect handsome, while Melody was pretty in a wholesome way. The way she clung to Alex’s waist as she looked back at me felt like a stab in my heart.

The paramedics freed her from Alex’s grasp and took her to the ambulance to take a look at her. Another set of paramedics was taking care of Miguel, Rosa Martinez’s brother.

The place was swarmed with police and emergency vehicles. If Violet Rogers and her merry band of delinquents saw this debacle, they’d high-tail it for sure. The police were canvassing the area, searching other warehouses and industrial for signs of the four teens.

“I want to see my mommy,” Melody cried suddenly, alarming the paramedic treating her wound.

For a moment, I thought she was talking about Meredith, then realized she meant Nancy. I ached to hold her, protect her from all of this, but there were too many prying eyes.

“It's okay, cricket.” Alex picked up her hand and kissed it. “You'll see her soon.”

“Is she all right?” I asked the paramedic who had tended to her.

The woman’s eyes flickered over me for a second, as though she were sizing me up. “Who are you?”

“I'm Ben Davenport, her legal guardian.” That wasn’t a lie. After Nancy and Waverly, I was on the list. That old bastard Harry designated me third on the list.

“She’s a little dehydrated, Mr. Davenport. We’ll have to—”

“No, you’re not!” Chambers snarled. “You’re not her legal guardian.”

I’d have to ask Waverly to take the document out of the safety deposit box so I could rub the little prick’s face in it.

Melody muttered something under her breath.

“What was that, young lady?” the woman paramedic asked her.

“He’s a doctor, not a mister,” Melody said a little louder.

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