Chapter Eighty Five

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The sun was shining brightly as I walked up to Fitzwilliam College with Melody by my side. The fresh smell of cut grass filled the air, mixing with the scent of new books and nervous excitement that permeated the campus. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for our first year at Cambridge. If only I could freeze this moment in time.

"Are you ready for this, Mel?" I asked, trying to sound cool and collected, even though I'd been preparing like mad for this school year. Practice exams? Check. Reading all the books on my recommended list? Check. Practicing violin until my fingers bled? You bet. And spending every possible moment with the girl who made my heart race? Double check.

Melody grinned, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked around the college grounds. "As ready as I'll ever be, Alex," she said, her American accent making me love her even more. "I can't believe we're actually here."

"Believe it," I replied, adjusting the strap of my violin case on my shoulder. "This is where the magic happens. And by magic, I mean endless studying, sleepless nights, and the occasional panic attack."

"Sounds thrilling," she said sarcastically, her lips quirking into a smile that made me weak in the knees. "But at least we'll have each other, right?"

"Always," I agreed, feeling a surge of warmth fill my chest. The truth was, I'd fallen head over heels for Melody Plum, and there was no turning back now. She was smart, beautiful, and had this way of making everyone around her feel loved and accepted. And I knew I wasn't the only one who felt that way about her.

"Alright then," she said, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."

We walked into the main building, the buzz of excited voices filling the air. I looked around, noticing a few familiar faces mixed in with the eager freshmen.

"Hey, Alex!" called out a voice from behind me. I turned to see one of my classmates, James, looking as suave as ever in his perfectly tailored suit. "Ready to conquer the world?"

"Something like that," I replied with a smirk. "How was your summer?"

"Same old, same old," he said with a shrug before turning his attention to Melody. "And who might this lovely lady be?"

"Melody Plum, meet James Wellington," I introduced, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "James, this is Melody, my... uh, friend."

"Nice to meet you, James," Melody said, offering her hand for a polite shake. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Only good things, I hope," James replied with a wink before sauntering off, leaving us to navigate the maze of halls and classrooms on our own.

"Friend, huh?" Melody asked, raising an eyebrow at me as we wandered through the corridors. "Is that what we are?"

"Of course not," I said hastily, cursing myself for being such a coward. "It's just... well, you know how people can be. And I don't want anyone giving you a hard time."

"Alex," she said softly, stopping in the middle of the hallway and looking straight into my eyes. "You don't have to worry about me. I can handle whatever comes my way."

"I know you can," I admitted, my heart swelling with admiration for this remarkable girl. "But it doesn't mean I won't worry anyway."

She laughed, a sound so sweet and musical it made me wish I could bottle it up and keep it forever. "Let's just focus on having the best year ever, okay?"

"Deal," I agreed, linking my arm through hers as we continued down the hallway. Together, we were unstoppable. And whatever challenges awaited us in this final year at Cambridge, I knew we'd face them head-on, side by side.

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