Chapter Eighty Two

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"Welcome back to the lion's den, Melody Plum," I muttered to myself as I stood in front of Sacred Heart Academy's towering gates. The wrought iron looked like it had been plucked straight out of a Victorian novel, which was fitting. After all, high school could be just as twisted and dramatic.

I took a deep breath and pushed the gate open, stepping into my final few weeks as a high school student. It was time to have some fun, or at least what passed for fun around here, and rekindle some friendships. Violet was gone, and I could finally breathe easy again.

The familiar halls greeted me with their signature musk of wood polish and teenage angst. Students chatted in groups, shooting me curious glances as I walked by. Word traveled fast around here, and everyone knew I'd been through hell and back.

"Melody!" Lottie called out from down the hall, sprinting towards me and wrapping me in a fierce hug. "You're back! We missed you so much!"

"Hey, guys," I grinned, nodding to Alex and Charlie who were standing behind her, looking relieved. "Yeah, I decided it was about time I stopped hiding under my bed and faced the real world again."

"Good for you," Charlie chimed in, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just in time for the annual bake sale debacle."

"Ah yes, the great debate between chocolate chip cookies and double chocolate chip cookies," I said, rolling my eyes playfully. "Truly the stuff of legends."

"Exactly," Alex agreed, his hazel eyes twinkling. "We need our fearless leader to guide us through these treacherous times."

"Me, fearless?" I snorted. "You must have me confused with someone else. But I'll do my best to navigate the perilous world of baked goods for you."

"See, that's the Melody we know and love," Lottie grinned. "Seriously though, we're so glad you're back."

"Thanks, guys," I said sincerely, feeling my heart warm at their support. "I'm really happy to be back too."

We walked through the halls together, talking about everything from the latest gossip to our plans for after graduation. It felt like I'd never left, and that was a comfort I desperately needed.

As we made our way to our lockers, I couldn't help but overhear some of our classmates whispering.

"Hey, did you hear that Melody and Alex are back on?"

"Really? I thought they were just friends now."

"Who knows with those two? I bet they'll get back together before graduation."

"Ugh, people need to mind their own business," I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes. Alex heard me and chuckled, nudging me playfully.

"Let them talk. We know what we have, and that's all that matters." He grinned, his smile infectious and wide.

"True," I agreed, returning the grin. "Friendship is a beautiful thing."

"Agreed," he nodded, and we bumped fists as a symbol of our unbreakable bond.

With my friends by my side and the end of high school in sight, I was determined to make the most of every moment. I wanted to leave Sacred Heart Academy with memories I could cherish forever, and nothing was going to stand in my way.


"Hey, Mel, can we talk for a sec?" Alex asked as we sat down in our favorite spot by the huge oak tree at the back of the school. We'd been hanging out here since freshman year, and it was our unofficial sanctuary.

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