Chapter Sixty-Three

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I felt the weight of Alex's love like an old coat, heavy and suffocating. We had decided to take a break from our relationship, but already I missed his touch, the way he looked at me. The room seemed smaller without him.

"Melody?" came Ben's voice from the doorway.

"Mr. Davenport--" I paused, searching for what to call him now. "Uncle Ben?"

"Ah, yes," he said, taking a seat next to my bed. The chair creaked as he sat down. "You used to call me that when you were little."

"Uncle Ben" sounded strange coming out of my mouth, especially after all the feelings that had stirred up between us recently. But it felt right, in a weird sort of way.

"Anyway," he continued, hands clasped together in his lap, "I started my new professor job at Mount Holyoake. Your Aunt Waverly and I decided to rent me a small studio apartment near the campus since the commute to Pasadena was inconvenient. I'll be staying there during the week and coming home on weekends."

"Congratulations, U-Uncle Ben," I stuttered, trying not to look into his eyes, afraid of what I might reveal.

"Thank you, Melody." He smiled softly, his eyes showing concern – but also something else. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked, hugging my knees to my chest, creating some distance between us.

"Of course," he replied, looking away. "It's a great opportunity, and it will give me more time to focus on my writing."

We sat in silence for a moment, lost in our own thoughts. I wanted to say something – anything – to break the tension, but I couldn't find the right words.

"Melody," Uncle Ben said, breaking the silence. "I know things have been...complicated between us lately. But I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible. My mind raced with unspoken thoughts and feelings, but I couldn't bring myself to share them.

"Is there anything else you need? Can I get you something?" he asked, his concern for me evident in his gentle tone.

"No, I'm fine," I replied, forcing a smile. And just like that, the moment passed.

"Alright then," he said, standing up and heading for the door. "Take care, Melody. I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Uncle Ben," I called after him, my heart heavy with regret and longing.


After Uncle Ben left, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and worry that clung to me like a heavy fog. My thoughts drifted to Charlie and Lottie. Alex had mentioned in passing that Lottie had a severe allergic reaction to the drugs Violet used on her. She almost died. If it weren't for me, Violet wouldn't have targeted them. They were just collateral damage in her twisted obsession with me.

"Melody," Uncle Ben said as he poked his head back into the room. "I wanted to update you on the twins. I thought you'd want to know."

"Please," I said, my voice barely a whisper. "How are they?"

"Charlie has a few bruises, but he's okay. Lottie... she had a close call, but she's stable now. It was a severe allergic reaction, like you know. The doctors say she'll be alright." He looked at me, his eyes filled with concern and a hint of something else – I'd never been any good at discerning feelings, especially not Ben's.

"Thank God," I breathed out, relief washing over me. But the guilt remained, a constant weight on my chest.

"Melody," Uncle Ben hesitated, as if choosing his words carefully. "You can't blame yourself for what happened to them. Violet's actions are her own, not yours."

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